IRS: illegals who didn’t pay taxes deserve refunds

IRS ProtestAgain, every new day brings an new chunk of DC insanity to the nation.

From the

IRS to pay back-refunds to illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes

by Stephen Dinan

Lawmakers fear illegals could use Obama amnesty to find ways to vote.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress on Wednesday that even illegal immigrants who didn’t pay taxes will be able to claim back-refunds once they get Social Security numbers under President Obama’s temporary deportation amnesty.

The revelation — which contradicts what he told Congress last week — comes as lawmakers also raised concerns Mr. Obama’s amnesty could open a window to illegal immigrants finding ways to vote, despite it being against the law.

Mr. Koskinen said he didn’t know how much money the tax refunds would cost, and said the White House never checked with him before announcing the amnesty. He said the maximum annual credit is between $500 and $600 for an individual.

Meanwhile, the concerns over voting are beginning to bubble up.Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio Republican, will hold a hearing on the issue Thursday.Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, who has told Mr. Obama that illegal immigrants could find ways to vote thanks to his policy, is slated to testify.

There you go.  Isn’t that perfect?

First, that illegals who didn’t pay taxes will get tax refunds.

Second, that illegals who didn’t pay taxes and will get refunds may get to vote under Obamacare.

Every day, this nation becomes more insane under Demorat/Leftist “leadership.”

And goes to prove that Mr Obama is in fact in the process of attempting to Cloward-Piven this nation.



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3 thoughts on “IRS: illegals who didn’t pay taxes deserve refunds

  1. Add to that what I BELIEVE I heard on the news today. That all the millions who recently were allowed to invade our country recently may now be allowed to have their “extended families” join them here? This includes most Central American Countries.

    At least the Indians got some beads for Manhattan. We are being made to PAY for the surrender of our land and our freedoms.

  2. This is an absolute outrage! We, the collective we, have to band together and write, call, email, AND vote. If we don’t hold Congress, the whole Congress, accountable for their actions, then we have what there is today.

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