Muslim: “women in Europe deserve it”

Islam Helped by GOWP Leftist WomanDeserve what?

Being molested and/or raped on the streets and alleys of Europe.

And no, I’m not kidding.

And yes, GOWPs (Guilty Overeducated White Persons) overseas are telling women to cover up and that it’s their fault for tempting these poor refugees from other countries, who simply need to be understood.

Muslim Imam Women Deserve to be RapedAn imam in Cologne, Germany, Sami Abu-Yusuf, at the Salafist mosque, says “if they (women) walk around half naked and use perfume things can happen.  A man, a woman, it’s like putting oil on a fire.”

If only Western Civilization had known this earlier, think of all the rapes we could have prevented.

First question popping into my head?  Where are all the feminists, outraged at this man’s comments?  Not just locally or nationally, but globally?  The answer is: cowering in their kitchens.  Feminists only attack those physically or primarily mentally weaker than they are — those who fear being labeled.  Muslims couldn’t care less what women think; they freely kill and mutilate women by the bushel, daily.  Feminists don’t attack Muslims because they know Muslim men will kill them; perhaps even institutionally-brainwashed Muslim women as well.

Of course, that isn’t limited to feminisnts; MINOs are this way also: Muslims In Name Only.  You know, the so-called “moderate Muslims.”

Always good to excuse assaults on women by Muslims.  Women, realize: you are a legitimate target by Muslim refugees.

Conventional GOWP wisdom is that these occurrences are merely a few statistical aberrations.  From

Cologne Imam: Girls Were Raped Because They Were Half Naked And Wore Perfume

by Oliver Lane

Warning women against “adding fuel to the fire”, the Imam of a Salafist Cologne mosque has said the victims of the New Year’s Eve attacks in that city were themselves responsible for their sex assault, by dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume.

Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: “the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire”.

Sami Abu-Yusuf is the Imam of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne’s Kalk neighbourhood, just one of thousands of such establishments practising in converted residential, retail, and industrial properties serving the booming Muslim population of Europe. The mosque, which is named as preaching the fundamentalist Salafist creed of Islam was raided by counter terror officers in 2004.

The emergence of Salafism in Europe is a major concern for security services, as it considers itself the most pure, and original form of Islam and tries to obey the commands of the Koran literally. Breitbart London has reported at length recently on the extremist activities of Salafist Muslims in Germany, from mass-riots in which hundreds of men armed with kebab skewers, knives, and iron bars clashed with police and Kurds on the streets of Hamburg, to their recruiting strategies, preying on newly arrived migrants.

Which is why I say: NO SYRIAN “REFUGEES” IN AMERICA.  None.  Not women.  Not children.  None.  Europe exists now to be an example from which we must all learn.

Conventional GOWP Wisdom is that, under the guise of “multiculturism,” all cultures are equal and, as long as they are different, most cultures are actually better than those of Caucasoids.  The truth is that cultures are in fact different, not all think alike, and some cultures — like Islam — are barbaric and based upon violence and subsumation.

This is an excellent lesson for the US to learn, as I indicated.

Because: Germany is lost.  There is no regaining her back the way she was.  All the rest of Europe is on the cusp of being lost.

We cannot allow that to occur here.



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8 thoughts on “Muslim: “women in Europe deserve it”

  1. The only good muslim is a dead muslim. Time to repel all muslims from western lands. Time for a little Judeo/Christian jihad. The Islamic and Judeo/Christian world cannot coexist on the same ground.

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