Obama keeps the US safe with sarcasm and MORE refugees

Obama DANGEROUS to AmericaI wrote on Friday about Mr Obama’s plan to fight ISIS: words.  Sarcasm.  “You are not strong.  You are weak.”  There.  Mission accomplished.  ISIS fleeing in terror.

But wait, there’s more.

Obama plans to keep America safe by battling ISIS with words, AND he plans on importing more “refugees” into the United States.

That Mr Obama, what a courageous man.

He made the announcement on Easter.  Good timing.

From the WashingtonExaminer.com:

Obama reiterates refugee promise

by Nicole Duran

In a brief Easter weekend radio address, President Obama vowed to decimate the self-proclaimed Islamic State, but he said the United States will do so by offering an example of freedom, tolerance and open society.

“Our openness to refugees fleeing ISIL’s violence; our determination to win the battle against ISIL’s hateful and violent propaganda — a distorted view of Islam that aims to radicalize young Muslims to their cause,” are paramount in the fight, Obama told Americans during his weekly radio address.

Admitting entry to Syrian and Iraqi refugees has become a divisive issue in the U.S. as well as Europe, but Obama made clear he has no plan to back off his promise to admit 100,000 to the U.S. this year.

Let me emphasize: Obama said he will “promise to admit 100,000 to the US this year.”

Please see the graphic below which delineates where these refugees will be placed.

Syrian Refugees to USMy stance is this: no refugees to the US.  No children.  No women.  No men.  No families.  But particularly no children.  The children and all refugees need to stay in their country of origin with family.

Why?  This is our country.  It belongs to us and no one else.  We have sovereignty and we get to keep it.  We are the determinants of who will or will not enter our country.  We get to ensure the sovereignty and safety of our citizens.  It’s a duty.  It is the duty of our federal government to keep its citizens safe.  That is its highest priority.

The United States cannot be the recipient of the world’s human outcasts and refuse and hope to continue.  Germany is already making this discovery and Merkel, by her insane decision to allow “refugees” to storm their border unimpeded, has placed her entire country in jeopardy.  In jeopardy of not just never looking or being Germany again, but in jeopardy of placing itself into November of 1923 all over again.

Whatever occurs in Germany from this point on can and is directly attributable to Merkel’s decision to flood the nation with persons who seem to have little if any interest in assimilation.

Assimilation in the culture, immersion in the language, participating in the host country’s customs — those are the least of the things you as an immigrant owe your new nation.

These things are primarily not occurring in Europe, with terrible consequences the result.

Pundits in the US brag that the major difference between Europe and the US is the assimilation that does occur here.  I should care to point out, however, that participating in American culture is occurring with greater infrequency if for no other reason that not only don’t we, for example, encourage the learning of English but, many times, we discourage it and enable immigrants to hold to their own.  We do this out of GOWP political correctness.

Two massive reasons for what I would argue as a major necessary clamp on immigration — which I wholeheartedly advocate — are the issues of employment and budget.

The bulk of persons immigrating to the US bring no inherent skills with them.  Most are unskilled individuals from poor environments and backgrounds where the aptitudes required for our future of our nation are not possessed.

Our nation will have a sufficiently difficult time ensuring our own lawful citizens can transform into the New Work Paradigm — much less having to take in persons whose background and capabilities fall behind those of our own.

The demand for a $15 an hour “living wage” (along with technology itself) is driving the push for jobs requiring menial skills to be automated.  Those persons thinking that clicking the CHEESEBURGER icon at McDonald’s will guarantee them anything more than a few extra fries per shift are deluding themselves.

Those jobs that can be automated will.  Persons who lack skills or, for any number of varied reasons, are unemployable will find themselves unemployed.  And many of today’s Americans are completely unemployable, unable to cope with the most minimal amount of discipline or diligence.

Add to that the vast potential amounts of refugees who bring nothing to the employment or culture table, and you have a recipe for another Europe in the midst of America.

Those persons who lack skills or are unemployable will then, of course, demand and apply for various forms of largesse.  The pool of those paying taxes will diminish to the point of a National Crash.  We are not far from that point already, with our own coddled bits of human flotsam and jetsam.

We can’t afford the human cost, and we can’t afford the fiscal cost.

Guns are not the greatest danger to America, nor is “global warming” according to the Religious Left.

The greatest danger to America is Barack Hussein Obama.

Or any Demorat successor.



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10 thoughts on “Obama keeps the US safe with sarcasm and MORE refugees

  1. Speaking of Easter; where was Obama yesterday. His media didn’t show him and his family attending Christian church services or wishing the nation a Happy Easter. Could it be that with less than a year left in office he is now letting his inner muslim shine through. Possibly Obama was trying to get some cred with the Islamists and was working on getting a definitive prayer bump. But you can bet the farm none of those 100,000 refuges will be Christian. Obama is setting this country up for terror attacks like those in Europe. Just his contribution to jihad. Our traitorous piece of shit POTUS strikes again.

  2. The article is perfectly said. The bulk of people we are letting in have no employable skills and bring nothing to the table. Yet, they have their hands out for all the free stuff they heard they would get the moment they arrive here. They aren’t asking where the line is to get a job or where they need to go to school to learn english and job skills…they are asking where the line is to get welfare and free housing. They simply show up, and expect everything to be handed to them. As if all the effort they made to get here is all that is expected of them and nothing more. The only thing they bring with them is disease, and a backward, third world mindset. They collectively bring down the standard of America.

    And I just love those poor and ignorant morons who do live here and are American, and who demand we let them come her, while claiming that not letting them in is “Not who we are”. They do not understand that they are not only letting in their competition for the uneducated low paying jobs, they are letting in those with which they now have to share their welfare. There is only so much food at the table. If you invite more guests, then everyone is going to have to pile less food on their plate so that everyone gets to eat. Are those who are on the govt dole willing to take less so that those that they say should be allowed to come here, get some too? We have all seen their response to lower welfare benefits. They seem quite unwilling to give up what they believe is theirs, to others who are in need. Ironic, is it not.

    I already take issue with people on welfare who burp out future welfare recipients like a pez dispenser and expect to get an increase in their benefits every time they do. It’s like they get a raise every nine months. The ONLY thing they have going for them is that they are American. And as is American, it is a pride thing, that we can say that America takes care of its own. But now, we are expected to take care of people who are NOT from here, they are NOT American. It’s one thing to have to support children who are your lazy ingrate offspring. It’s a whole other issue when you are forced to care for the lazy ingrates from those who are not American, and who have been taught to despise us for the sole reason that we exist and nothing more.

    Maintaining a household on a limited budget is darn difficult these days. Everyone is expected to contribute. The reason many families don’t have more than one or two children these days is because they were taught to live within our means. So, we tighten our belts, learn to do without when needed, and we all work to keep up our homes, and live decent lives. Well, it sticks in the average American’s craw, when we bust our humps to earn out way, and then we are told we have to do more for less, so that some idjit we don’t know, and refuses to lend a hand, can take a share of the pie that they did not help bake.

    Yes, America is a nation of immigrants….of “Working” immigrants. No one came over here, registered at Ellis Island, and then was shown the line where they could register to get all sorts of free stuff that was bought and paid for by those that worked. The moment you stepped foot in this great land of opportunity, you were expected to work and give something of value and contribute to this great and growing country. America needed people. People of all types, including those with strong backs and weak minds. Well, that was then and this is now. Those jobs have now either been filled up, or done away with. We now have technology and machines capable of doing mind-numbing repetitive tasks. The demand for ignorance and illiterates is quite low now. In America, goat herding just plain does not pay what it used to.

    And as stated, there was this whole assimilation thing. There was a time, when newly minted Americans were darn well expected to start acting American. There is an unwritten but well understood agreement that you were to start becoming American. Learn the language, and do American things. As the saying goes, “when in Rome….blah blah blah.”. Thus the whole concept of the “Melting Pot”. You were all expected to work together, towards this one goal…becoming stew. But now, the carrots want to be carrots, and refuse to have anything to do with the potatoes. The potatoes want to stay potatoes and talk trash about the celery. And of course, the celery hates the carrots, and want nothing to do with them, because the carrots pray to the carrot god and refuse to now pray to the celery gods. What you end up with is clumps of carrots here, raw potatoes over there, and hateful celery that no one ever likes by itself anyway, all refusing to work together for the sole purpose of being wonderful tasting stew.

    The fact is, coming to America is a two way street. You MUST bring something to the table. If one comes here for benefit, then is it unreasonable to ask for something of benefit to the country in return? If you have no employable skill, then get one. And learn the language. If you are going to talk trash about how horrible your new chosen homeland is…at least do it in a language we can understand. I mean, how are we supposed to try and accommodate you if we don’t understand what you are complaining about. And for the record…blowing us up is NOT a proper thank you for our kindness.

  3. “Who we are” comes with a price-tag we can no longer afford, since ONLY 55% of Americans actually PAY TAXES and 45% do NOT.

    PLUS, it is that 55% that PAY FOR EVERY OTHER COUNTRY’S ability to denigrate us, fight us, hate us, slight us, speak ill of us and then demand more money, more investment, more troops, more solutions, etc.



  4. You are correct, the greatest danger to America is Barack Hussein Obama, but what in the hell are WE going to do other than wait for the duplicitous son of a bitch to leave office, or die of a heart attack or stroke? We can gripe about it until the cows come home but until we have a NEW President, IN OFFICE, there’s nothing we can do or say other than “Damn, I wish time would go by faster… “

    • And yes, you are correct. We hold little power because we, the electorate, will not and cannot coalesce. We are too corrupted by persons who want too much FREE CHEESE.


  5. Pingback: German govt forces police to cover up “refugee” rapes | Bloviating Zeppelin

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