Stranger in a strange land

Stranger In A Strange Land-CFrom

Majority of Americans Feel Like ‘Stranger in Own Country’

by Mike Flynn

Whatever failings there may be in his specific policies, Donald Trump’s campaign has tapped into a strong, visceral feeling of millions of Americans. Seeking to destroy Trump, the candidate, may further alienate the Republican party from a rapidly growing block of voters.

According to the Reuters survey, 58 percent Americans say they “don’t identify with what America has become.” While Republicans and Independents are the most likely to agree with this statement, even 45 percent of Democrats share this feeling.

More than half of Americans, 53 percent, say they “feel like a stranger” in their own country. A minority of Americans feel “comfortable as myself” in the country.

Tarzana Joe also wrote a perfect poem on this point:

What Not to Do

Poets are required
To communicate with brevity
To get a message over
With some synthesis and levity

But how am I to summarize
What I think this week means?
An epidemic’s coming
And we’ve thrown out the vaccines

Our blimp has got a great big rip
And no one brought the patches
Arsonists are on the loose–
We’re giving out free matches

It seems the sky is falling
While we’re walking under ladders
We’re looking for some eloquence
But every nabob nadders

The rough beast of the prophesies
Is slouching ever nearer
As we run around with scissors
And go smashing every mirror

The ship, alas, is sinking
And the passengers are wailing
Wouldn’t we all do better
If everyone starts bailing?

I say this with conviction
After little introspection
I don’t know where we’re going
But it’s in the wrong direction

The Congress must assert itself
And heed the people’s voices
Or in the next election
We’ll be making diff’rent choices

The consequences are extreme
We can’t afford mistakes
The car we’re in is driverless
It’s time to hit the brakes

Who’s country is this anyway?

I used to recognize my country.

Now I’m starting to sympathize with Robert Heinlein.



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10 thoughts on “Stranger in a strange land

    • Imagine that. Why I live 98 miles away from where I used to work in the center of Fornicalia, in the proverbial Belly of the Beast, Sacramento.


      • Being the last 35 years in San Luis Obispo County, I spent 15 months in AZ. Upon return to CA I was absolutely and utterly shocked of how my beloved state had turned in such a short time. Perhaps it was a coincidence of timing, I told myself. After all, in that short time several major elections had occurred. But such thoughts were only a gloss on a reality that had set in years prior.

        It started even before Pete Wilson was run out of office. Witness back then when the carpet bagger Michael Huffington had spent million$$$ of his own money (at the time the largest expense ever) in a failed attempt for the US Senate (CA). Then the RN, Lois Capps, whose husband died in office, consolidated power by gerrymandering my district to the ever liberal home of the Barbarians (Santa Barbara). (I will go to my grave before I ever utter a nice word for this supposed caregiver of the medical profession)

        Sorry, I got ahead of myself. Anyway, imagine my shock in coming back to CA after a few months in Free America.

  1. Pingback: CA teacher: kid drawing the US flag is offensive | Bloviating Zeppelin

  2. If one should think this lies only within the realm or poets and writers, I submit the following. This is my first hand account, I am the author:

    Need help. This is no lie. Tonight while visiting a merchant of which I am a regular customer I was chased out because the seller, an arab, has gone a jihad. As a regular, I’ve developed a rapport wit the merchant. Sometimes joking, most often discussing current events. So, in response to his uunkept beard, not seen before this week, I jokingly ask if he was in Paris last week. Oh man, the red in his eyes! I apologize but it wasn’t enough. He pronounced me as an idiot and that he was now ignoring me. I said his father and uncle would smile at the joke. He said his father or uncle would rather hold a knife to me throat. Then he told me to leave or else. I said or else what?

    Our business transaction already completed (so happily did he take my money for his goods while this was going on) I left the establishment of my own accord. This was in Fullerton, CA. How bold are they becoming.

    One more thing, I strongly feel that if he did not know me, precisely what I am about, he would have drawn on me. Again, that he knew me is why he did not draw on me.

    Yes, I say ‘they’. For certainly they are not us.

    Cooming to a town near you. Ammo up, compatriots.

  3. Previous to the above, 3 nights ago, at a separate place of business, I was yelled at in some indistinguishable language (but for all the spitting and that the speaker was arab I gather it was Farsi) in such a temperament that no matter that I did not understand the words I certainly understood the vociferous intent, that I, a white male of Swedish/Russian heritage was unwelcome. In fact, I was bidden to leave. With such disdain for wanting to purchase a can of Copehagen snuff.

    O really? I say old boy, before you get all jihady on me, I’ll see your place burnt to the ground and you in it. The 3rd strike you say? Oh, it’s on. Like donkey kong.

  4. Such is my adherence to a compulsive desire to prevent any misspelling that I feel the double vowel in the above postings is evident of the intrusion of software unbeknownst to the blogger.

    Granted, the above was copy & pasted to what I posted to BayouRenaissance. Forewarned is forearmed.

  5. As this is one of my favorite blogs I leave here a note. I know not the veracity of what I am to say. However, I do want it to be recorded for posterity.

    Firstly, I am a firm believer in the original intent of them who formed (authored) then signed the founding documents of our once great country. If any ambiguity be found in their words, let it first be considered what those men who uttered such words be found in the meaning. It is to them who we owe a debt of gratitude for they have given us the firmament of prosperity in all that which individuals throughout time have sought. Such prosperity is measured in the liberties rightly afforded to all people as originally enumerated first by the hand of God then by men in the form of our Constitution which also recognizes the grace of God who is our divine Creator. In God do we trust.

    The above words are for certain. What follows is the ‘grey area’, that of which I am unknowing. I firmly believe in the above. I will fight tooth and claw to preserve that which precedes these words. I believe this federal government is to sequester us who cherish the remarks of our founding fathers. I believe that here, even these words are being subsumed into the strange and unusual dialectic of a covert government composed of those who operate freely without the law which we so stupidly attend.

    Without further words on the matter, if I should disappear how would you know? (for I am only an occasional commenter.) But somehow you should know. For in my lacking you should be found willing. That is, you should be ever ready, always able. One should never want to perish in vain. But if the cause is just, then, in the words of a great man, I regret I have but one live to give.

    Hrrmph you say, the words of a drunken wander of words? But I answer, what is it that propels a man to live as he does, in fear of no man. But if hazard should come to him, how in this current day should we know the truth in his undoing? Even in our current day we have a great many who are our example. Look to hitlery’s past to find them.

    Of Ron Brown, go ahead, research how he came to an end. As a citizen I am troubled by how it came to his demise. As a pilot I am indeed alarmed. A friend whom I trust with my life, him to be unnamed. told me how he was on station on that fatal night. A mobile NDB, relocated sans NOTAM, by which the flight was directed into a mountain top. Everything you have heard is BS unless you were one of five souls that night sequestered on a faraway station. You think it cannot, will not, happen here. To you? At any time?

    I am not a badass. I am not an ‘operator’. I am not a high profile target. I am a fat body with a hardened soul. But make no mistake. I am a target of the government.

    Therefore. I post these words. For posterity. So that, if I am not among them who join the insurrection that I should be remembered. To not have shed my blood in vain even though none should know.

    ‘Go home, you’re drunk.’ Hardly not. But to have lived as I have is in the cause of liberty. I give my life so others may know. We, my fellow patriots, know what the United States was because we have lived it. Now to pass it on in it’s righteous cause to the next generation if even to take the field in defending the great honor as bestowed upon us. God bless America, land that I love.

  6. You know who my hero is? Yes, Gen. Claire Lee Chennault. Yes, Gen Lewis Burwell Puller. Yes, MSgt R.J. Hamilton. But Samuel Whittemore is who I most aspire to be like.

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