Tom Cotton stirs it up:

Tom CottonTom Cotton, a Freshman Republican, has certainly struck the hornet’s nest with a major rhythm stick.

From the

Senator Behind Iran Letter Is Latest Freshman Republican to Stir Things Up

by Jennifer Steinhauer

WASHINGTON — First there was Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, who held up bills, conducted an antidrone talk-a-thon and generally annoyed his colleagues. Next was Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, who whipped up a campaign that shut down the government.

Now comes Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, another Republican freshman, whose letter to the leaders of Iran warning against a nuclear deal with the Obama administration has caused an international uproar.

At 37, Mr. Cotton is the youngest member of the Senate and had served as of Wednesday exactly 65 days. A graduate of Harvard and Harvard Law School, Mr. Cotton served as an infantry officer in the 101st Airborne Division in Iraq in 2006, one of the bloodiest periods of the war.

But what did Cotton actually advocate?

Kerry LetterMore importantly:

Leaders in the House noted Mr. Cotton’s intellect and the fact that he showed little willingness to compromise on legislation, even when the leadership wanted him to. In 2014, he campaigned in a camouflage-themed recreational vehicle against the Democratic incumbent, Senator Mark Pryor, and handily beat him.

Let’s face it, Mr Obama’s “deal” with Iran includes concessions just short of abject capitulation to the Iranians.  It would leave Iran’s nuclear infrastructure primarily intact, including heavy water reactors and at least 6,000 centrifuges.  It would even allow work to continue on Iran’s ballistic missile program.

The “deal” will also sunset in 10 to 15 years, allowing Iran to do anything it wishes thereafter.

Because Mr Obama is the smartest man in DC and in every room, just what did he receive from Iran in terms of concessions?

Let’s see: uh, nothing.

That’s right, Mr Obama is clearly a hard-line negotiator when dealing with the Muslim world, by God!

Sanctions would actually be lifted on Iran, in “exchange” for Iran allowing inspection of its nuclear facilities — something it’s supposed to already be doing — yet the IAEA finds itself currently stymied at most every turn by Iran.  Already.

DC and Obama are pissed because Cotton dares to point out the lack of clothing on Emperor Obama.


Obama Imperial King

Bugged: Obama’s Roach Problem

White House InfestationFrom

As in cockroaches. But vermin is nothing new in a building that is 213 years old–and roaches aren’t the worst of it.


September 13, 2013 | 5:27 p.m.

It was just a cockroach, one of millions around the world. But this one had a White House address, making it pretty special. Well, special at least to the reporters with workspace in the often-troubled basement of the press offices. Already this year, they have been treated to flooding, soaked carpet, mousetraps and the wondrous odors of mold.

“It was the size of a small drone,” said Martha Joynt Kumar, professor of political science at Towson University, who led the effort Wednesday to capture the bug. Kumar, who has worked out of the press offices studying the president-press relationship for almost four decades, wanted to turn it into the General Services Administration, the agency responsible for the building. “I wanted to bag it so that the GSA would know what kind of issue we had,” she said. “I chased it. But it got away behind some wiring.”

Imagine that.

The White House full of vermin.