Who is responsible for the war on cops?

The courageous Sheriff of Milwaukee County, David Clarke, tells you precisely who he believes is responsible for this current war on law enforcement officers:

Barack Hussein Obama and former Attorney General Eric Holder, the Head Racists in DC.  The so-called “leader” of the United States of America and his former AG.

Obama sets the tone and the pace for the administration in DC and, by dint of that, the tone for the rest of those who follow he and his fellow political Leftists.

Trayvon Martin became Barack Hussein Obama’s son.  Obama didn’t have all the facts but proclaimed Martin a victim.  Zimmermann was found not guilty, though Obama had already found him guilty.

Obama stated with Bully Pulpit firmness that the Cambridge Police Department “acted stupidly” in the arrest of professor Henry Gates, though Obama didn’t have all the facts.  Gates, by the way, just “happened” to be a personal black friend of Obama’s.

Obama’s attitude of Officer Darren Wilson was that of guilt, though Wilson was never indicted or charged.  Wilson’s life was, however, ruined forever though not convicted of any crime.

Holder had the opportunity to make a statement when Black Panthers barricaded the polls in Philadelphia with weapons they carried, but Holder refused to take any actions whatsoever.

Obama has fanned racist flames, whenever he could, in Ferguson and in Baltimore.  It’s no secret that he wants to federalize police nationally.

No one seems to remember that, in 2014, he nominated Debo Adegbile to the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.  Adegbile is such a flaming Leftist that this occurred:

In February 2014, six major law enforcement organizations representing more than 1 million law enforcement officers across the country, including the Fraternal Order of Police, sent scathing letters to senators and Obama opposing Adegbile’s nomination. Adding insult to injury, it was later revealed these organizations weren’t consulted before Obama put Adegbile up for the position. Maureen Faulkner, Officer Faulker’s widow (slain by black murderer Mumia Abu-Jamal, whom Adegbile defended. -BZ), was also left in the dark. 

Adegbile’s nomination was such an affront to justice, the rule of law and the law enforcement community he was voted down by the Democrat-controlled Senate, 52-47. Regardless, the White House called his failed confirmation a “travesty.”

“The Senate’s failure to confirm Debo Adegbile to head the Civil Rights Division at the Department of Justice is a travesty based on wildly unfair character attacks against a good and qualified public servant,” the president said last year when the vote failed. 

What about Saturday, where Black Lives Matter chanted, at the Minnesota state fair, “pigs in a blanket, fry ’em like bacon”?

Of course you saw that story plastered all over the mainstream media and the American Media Maggots, right?  What?  You didn’t?

Look, we already know that Obama has an anti-police philosophy; it was acquired during his youth when raised by Socialists and Communists, and emphasized by his education and associations with William Ayers, Bernardette Dohrn, Reverend Wright, and with books such as Saul Alinsky’s Rules For Radicals and knowledge of the Cloward-Piven Strategy.

What I wonder is this: if Obama, Leftists and Progressives hate cops, and Obama, Leftists, Progressives and Demorats hate guns — you may as well include our military too — then what or who is left to protect the citizens of the United States?

Good intentions?  Kind words?

The United Nations?



What further confuses me is this: Leftists and Progressives seem to disdain all forms of authority.  Yet the greatest, most unmoving and unflinching authority of all is the Imperial Barack Hussein Obama, he of the executive order pen, and Racist In Chief.


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4 thoughts on “Who is responsible for the war on cops?

  1. The Liberals or progressives or whatever these Sacks of Shit are calling themselves these days, conveniently leave out the word “illegal” when talking about those who came to this country illegally, in violation of our laws.

    Those are the “Immigrants” that Trump wants to get rid of. The “ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS”. So tell me, all you Smart Ass Douchbags, what in the world is wrong with that?

    No matter what you may think of Donald Trump, good or bad, it’s bad to ignore this.

    I’m so sick of these jerks who constantly cry about breaking up the families, who come here and have these “ANCHOR BABIES” and expect to stay here because of that. Most of these people are nothing but low life scum anyway (how dare you call MS-13 members scum, sir? -BZ), so who the heck needs these vultures who suck the blood out of the tax paying Americans?

    The parents who are here illegally to stay and then get free education with FREE English classes, FREE school breakfast and lunch, FREE medical or medicaid, FREE or close to free public housing, Food-Stamps, and get tax breaks even if they are not living in this country all at the expense of the American taxpayers because illegal aliens pay very little or anything at all in taxes, and if they do, they get tax breaks. Most ANCHOR BABIES are Hispanic because it is easy for their mothers to get across the border. Plus they are bankrupting American hospital emergency rooms.

    Now just in case you didn’t know it, I did the math for you. So Chew on this: 400,000 anchor babies are born in this country each year.

    Medicaid alone paid $2.2 billion last year to partially reimburse hospitals for unpaid illegal alien delivery bills.

    A staggering 84 hospitals in California alone, have been forced to close their doors because of unpaid bills by illegal aliens. Hospitals which manage to remain open, pass the unpaid costs onto the rest of us.

    Which translates into more out-of-pocket expenses and higher insurance premiums for Americans.

    In fact at one hospital in Dallas, Parkland Memorial Hospital (yes, the same hospital where JFK died after his assassination in 1963), a staggering 70% of all babies born are to illegal aliens.

    ‘Anchor Baby’ Outrage: How Americans Pay BILLIONS for Illegal Alien Births. And then they get, FREE medical care, FREE food stamps, WIC, FREE education. shelter, etc and the taxpayers foot the bill. What do YOU get FREE?

    Finished chewing yet?

    I am so fed up with this bullshit I am thinking of not paying my next quarterly estimated tax, just basically telling Obama and the feds to go fucking die somewhere, and take the illegal hordes with them.

    It’s criminal what these whore bastard politicians have been doing, and the anger it is inducing in both me and many fellow Americans is reaching a boiling point. If this is not stopped, and all illegal’s deported, with a wall built, termination of the 14th Amendment’s misreading/elimination of anchor baby nonsense, massive fines/jail time for employers, and a total and complete end to all benefits for illegals, I will hope and possibly help instigate a civil war in this country, starting with “no taxes paid” days, where people refuse to pay any sales tax, and refuse to write estimated taxes or property tax checks, and pay their bills such as cell phones by subtracting all taxes off the bill, paying only the service charge.

    Now you can finish chewing.

    • First, Pearls, you can vent here any time.

      Second, here has what I have recommended for YEARS if you want to turn this nation on its head.

      Make citizens PAY QUARTERLY taxes. Make the electorate have to PAY taxes out of their checks instead of having it confiscated beforehand.

      If that were done, people would FINALLY begin to understand just how ONEROUS and confiscatory US taxes truly are.

      It WOULD be “torches and pitchforks” time.


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