Obama pays women in the White House LESS than men.

Lifestyles of the ObamasAnd Alan Colmes says it isn’t Mr Obama’s fault.

Of course it isn’t.  Mr Obama is perfection personified.

From TownHall.com:

Alan Colmes: It Isn’t Obama’s Fault His White House Pays Women Less Than Men

by Katie Pavlich

During his State of the Union address last night, President Obama said it was an “embarrassment” that in today’s American society women get paid less than men, ignoring the fact that his White House pays women less than men. Obama even went so far as comparing today’s offices with those of a Madmen episode. If you’re not familiar, Madmen is a show based in the 1960s.

Female employees in the Obama White House make considerably less than their male colleagues, records show.

According to the 2011 annual report on White House staff, female employees earned a median annual salary of $60,000, which was about 18 percent less than the median salary for male employees ($71,000).

Immured on video, it is:

Listen to the video.  Brain surgeon Alan Colmes says that — as per normal — Mr Obama is blameless (clueless, is more like it) because he isn’t setting the salaries for the women working there.  Let me guess: one mention of this disparity in any public venue at all would have the HR bean counters resetting their salaries for women.  One mention.  That’s all it would take.

Instead, Obama either 1) doesn’t know, and/or 2) couldn’t care less.  Ignorance or arrogance.  Take your pick.

And the IWF — Independent Women’s Forum — weighed in:

Fortunately, however, this commonly repeated claim is false. There is no evidence that women are routinely paid a fraction of what men make for the same work, or that discrimination drives statistical differences between men and women’s earnings.

The Department of Labor statistic underlying the “wage gap” claim simply compares a full-time working man’s median wages with those of a full-time working woman, ignoring the many factors that affect earnings, including number of hours worked, industry, years of experience, and education, to name but a few. When such information is taken into account, the wage gap shrinks, and in some cases even reverses.

Feminist groups disserve women by promoting the false idea that the U.S. workplace is overwhelmingly sexist. It encourages unnecessary meddling from the federal government, which could limit women’s job opportunities and workplace flexibility, and discourages women from fully pursuing their ambitions.

Check that: “it encourages unnecessary meddling from the federal government.”

Bang ding ow!  A resounding slap in the face to Leftists from the IWF.

Nicely played.  And true.


I’m very sorry about the graphic above.  Very, very sorry.  I apologize.  It’s rude and I apologize from the bottom of my heart, most sincerely.


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