Star Trek

I attended a late afternoon showing of the newly-released JJ Abrams-directed (TV series “Lost” amongst others, and affiliation with movies such as Mission Impossible III and Cloverfield) film “Star Trek” on Saturday and, frankly, was prepared to completely despise it up to, and including, walking out.
Instead, I found myself riveted to my seat, smiling, laughing, enjoying the character interplay and the dazzling special effects for two hours and six minutes.
There are a few iconic areas in my life — things I held dear whilst growing up — and one of them was, no surprise, Star Trek. I can clearly recall the years 1966 to 1969 quite specifically because I was watching the original series, every week, during that time. I loyally followed the series, held the cartoons quite at arms’ length and hated them, read and collected all the James Blish paperback adaptations, David Gerrold’s The Making of Star Trek, purchased a script copy of “Amok Time,” then attended every Star Trek movie produced. As the television series and iterations expanded I watched when I could.
I suppose I could summarize the film this way: it isn’t what you would expect and, further, if you’ll only accept past iconic images you’ll be disappointed. This movie’s “original” Enterprise is much-modified from the 1966 version, to include essentially every aspect of that age’s technology. Logically, this should come as no surprise. Produced by ILM, it is likewise no surprise the special effects are frequently breathtaking — when they’re in focus and the camera isn’t shaking.
And there’s my one rub with JJ Abrams. Yes, from the first opening second to the last, this film is essentially non-stop action. Little time to catch your breath. And there were portions when I just wanted a few moments to do precisely that, grab the camera operator and pin him to the floor. But this is part of Mr Abrams’s style. If you don’t mind this aspect, I doubt you’ll find much with which to object in Star Trek.
Yes, you know the characters. Yes, they are easy to pick out. And, quite luckily (or purposely so) their interplay is much like you would want: they seem to readily assimilate and mold themselves into a group prepared for great adventure. I particularly enjoyed the work of Simon Pegg as Scotty, and Karl Urban as Dr McCoy. Zachary Quinto (Sylar from the TV series Heroes) is physically close to Spock but the voice will have to grow on me. Likewise, I’ll have to work with Chris Pine as James Kirk. Casting Bruce Greenwood (you see him, you’ll instantly know him) as Captain Chrisopher Pike was a stroke of brilliance.
At my advanced age, I’m occasionally smart enough to know that nothing can stay the same and to embrace change when that change is actually positive. I entered that dark room with like thoughts. And I exited refreshed and hopeful.
Yes, this is yet another iteration of the Star Trek franchise but, in my opinion, is well worth allowing for its own path and its own set of adventures.
Go see it. Imax should be incredible.
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10 thoughts on “Star Trek

  1. you said it well BZ….my wife, like you, is a trekkie extraordinaire who has collected comics, books, cards, cereal boxes (canadian even), tv guides – – all types of star trek dolls, models, collectibles galore.

    we both enjoyed this movie immensely! your description fit it well….live long and prosper!

  2. I’ve heard only positive things said about this movie and am eagerly looking forward to seeing it.

    I was around 4 or 5, remembering it on tv (syndication, I suppose). Of course, I watched it all through age 6 on up, as well; but from early on, I know I was aware of the show.

    I wonder where else the series could have taken us, had it been renewed for more than…what? 3 seasons?

  3. Don: thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment. I think we can look forward to a number of years of new adventures with this crew, and I think that’s a good thing.

    Word: Yes, there were only 3 years of the original Star Trek series, 79 episodes, I believe.


  4. Well you got me on this one BZ.

    I have never seen a Star Trek TV show or movie from beginning to end, never.

  5. I have now seen the movie twice. Once on the digital projection screen and once on a regular movie screen.

    Digital is Better! But aside from that – the story is amazing. BTW, the actors are contracted for 3 films. The green light has been given already for the next Star Trek picture. Expected release date in 2011.

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