C02 Declared Hazardous By Our EPA

Having so made this declaration, are we ready as a nation and as a culture to open this door and walk through? Has anyone even remotely considered the unintended consequences? And has anyone done what I call the “logical extension”?

I suspect not.

And, unfortunately, I find this is an issue little covered by the Conservative Blogosphere — an issue with potentially nation-crushing consequences.

The much-awaited endangerment finding requires the EPA to force power plants, auto companies, manufacturers and other major industrial sources of greenhouse gas to cut their emissions under the Clean Air Act.

This EPA finding can be sourced here. FoxBusiness video covers the issue here.

And please read this carefully from the Abilene ReporterNews:

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson cautioned that regulations are not imminent and made clear that the Obama administration would prefer that Congress address the climate issue through a broader “cap-and-trade” program that would limit heat-trapping pollution.

Cap and trade. Put that phrase aside for a moment.

House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio stated the obvious when he said the EPA ruling was “a backdoor attempt to enact a national energy tax that will have a crushing impact on consumers, jobs and our economy.”

And truer words were never spoken.

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