The Demorats Lied And The Entire American Economy DIED

Watch this revealing video, whilst you still can. And a wonderful H/T to Texas Fred:

We excoriate Bush, we point fingers, we hold the Demorats blameless.

Watch this video again and again, then ask the question:

Isn’t this much like John Orr setting fires and then being tasked to extinguish them?

Insanity, my dearest readers. Sheerest insanity.


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13 thoughts on “The Demorats Lied And The Entire American Economy DIED

  1. Frank and Greenspan are fools, always were and always will be.

    But let me ask…….

    Who was running the country in 2001 and 2005 the Democrats?

  2. WHAT a title for a post..GREAT one, BZ

    Ranando, it’s so bad today it’s not worth reliving, is it.
    But, don’t forget who was in congress,huh?

  3. Gayle, Jail is too good for a freak like Barney Frank. He would enjoy it too much. Oh, And before anyone accuses me of Homophobia I am gay myself!! I have heard many stories that Frank is into “rough Trade” as it is known by “my people”.
    But this is supposed to be a blessed day so I will not recount those stories.
    I will simply say
    Happy Easter Everyone!!

  4. You also have to love the analysis of what Greenspan did the last few years he was in the Fed and his loose money policy. Turns out that there is a section of the mortgage market that tracked it: Adjustable Rate Mortgages.

    You know: no money down, low interest for a few years, and then *blam* with high rates.

    So the big end of the bubble was those lovely ARMs at 2.5% introductory rate due to… yes, Alan Greenspan’s low nightly interest policy. The entire house was going to cave in soon, but he put an extra story or two on it at the end. Of course he, as Mr. Capitalism, is the one trying to get banks Nationalized… probably to cover-up his role in things for a few years.

    So we can thank Frank, Dodd, Clinton, Bush, Greenspan… Congresses controlled by D and R… its a two party CF of a grand scale of so many people buying votes by being ‘nice’ and wanting ever so many more people buying homes who can’t afford to buy them… amazing how that give-away culture in DC spreads, isn’t it?

  5. Back while Clinton was in office, that IDIOT Greenspan told the whole Congress how good the future looked. We would be able to fix social security, pay off the whole debt and have all kinds of extra money. He even warned AGAINST the government investing so as to compete with the private sector.

    Do you have ANY idea what happens when you tell the politicians that there is extra money to spend??D U H ! ! ! They had a frigging race to see who could spend the most the fastest! And they ALL won that race. Trouble is, we the people LOST. So, no, I do NOT think Greenspan is very smart, not even a little bit.

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