I have what I consider to be two critical points to make on these two very important and salient comparisons — observations that absolutely DEFINE these two separate issues:


And, I admit, I am more than complicit — I am clearly part of the fundamental reason behind this conflict. The sooner my generation dies, the better for this country.

That conflict stems from the Baby Boomers. And therein lies the rub:

The Greatest Generation, the WWII parents, were too good for this nation. And too good for their children. They wanted better for their offspring than they got. And, everything else in consideration, they pampered their children too much which, unfortunately, resulted in the initial decline of this nation as a whole — but predicated upon their experience of The Depression.

As great as they were, the Greatest Generation failed to do what I call The Logical Extension, and that is this: pampered children = expectant and entitled children.

Continuing, the Baby Boomers thought they could acquire the best of both Home and Work lives and, with that in mind, believed in the illegitimate axiom of “quality time” vs. “time” in general with their children. Boomer Men then acquiesced power to women; women wanted to be like men and men wanted to be like women. Yin and Yang expired; there was Yin and Yin and Yang and Yang.

Boomers then began to abandon their children in the TIH (Two Income Home). Women no longer acted like women and men no longer acted like men. That is, of course, when they lowered themselves to actually bearing children at all. DINKs (Double Income, No Kids) ruled.

Children, at their base, honed their personal radars. They realized their parents were shallow and, in even further tenuous times, began to cling to units other than family as their family. Having no family, kids raising kids, gangs became family substitutes.

And more families sought that reassuring Government Model.

People now seek the Government nipple as opposed to the now-lacking familial nipple.

They are substituting government for family in terms of reassurance and comfort.


The conflict that began above is simply continuing unabated but abetted by Demorats, Leftists, Socialists, The Religious Left and even (to a degree!) Conservatives themselves:

DLSTRL groups believe now, and rightly so, that there is no central leader to the current GOP.

Therefore, the only effective Conservative path that seems to be illuminated is painted not by the Republican Party but by certain Conservative media elements.

This is why DLSTRL sources seek to minimize or totally eliminate Conservative media entirely — and beginning with Talk Radio.

Because their is no real one current Conservative political leader.

The DLSTRL will do what it can when it can.

Absent centralized and cohesive opposition.

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