7 thoughts on “Mantra

  1. Yes, Mr. Z, I am in an absolutely foul mood… I decided to have a bit of ‘fun’ and do a bit more of a look at the R heir-apparent and lets just say that I don’t like what his view for a senior foreign policy team was in 2000. We would have gotten a lot closer to our friends, the Saudis, with that group.

    Think of it like this, I can do a day’s worth of oppo-research and create a really nasty campaign just using the man’s own views and putting them on display: nothing more nor less. It has to say something that *none* of his opponents had the ability to figure that out. The b-net site is a wonderful one for articles, and the free ones offer up everything a political campaign could want. Just that simple.

    Says a lot that none could do that. Which is why we are now going to get the free underclass option. Thankfully I am not into conspiracy theories as pure incompetence explains so very much in life. We really ought to stop rewarding that…

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