The high cost of illegal alien crime: bureaucrats have been lying to you

Here is an accurate summary from a recent Department of Justice (DOJ) report regarding crimes and illegal aliens.

And here is an accurate summary and series of questions from Tucker Carlson.

To which DOJ report is Tucker Carlson referring? And why is the release of the report germane at this time?

You see, the general public wouldn’t have been privy to this information regarding the true impact of illegal aliens on crime in the United States were it not for an executive order signed by President Trump on January 25th of 2017. Numbered EO 13768, entitled Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States, the order explicitly states that the numbers of foreign born individuals currently in US federal prison system custody must be reported quarterly.

There was no such requirement emphasized beforehand because, frankly, Leftists, Demorats, the American Media Maggots and a number of Republicans simply didn’t want to know.

It would not have furthered their collective and individual agendas and it would have interfered with their collective and individual cash flows. Moreover, they didn’t want you, The American Taxpayer, to know.

What? Illegal aliens not the huggy, lovable, honest, charitable persons they’ve been made out to be? Heresy! Apostate! Malcontent! Troublemaker! Radical!

From the Alien Incarceration Report, FY 2017, Quarter Four:

A total  of 58,766 known  or suspected  aliens  were in  in  DOJ custody  at the end of  FY 2017, including  39,455 persons  in  BOP custody  and 19,311 in  USMS custody.

Of this  total,  37,557 people had been  confirmed  by U.S. Immigration  and Customs  Enforcement (ICE) to be aliens  (i.e., non-citizens  and  non-nationals),  while  21,209 foreign-born  people were still  under  investigation  by  ICE to determine  alienage.

Among  the  37,557 confirmed  aliens,  35,334 people (94 percent)  were unlawfully  present.  These numbers include a 92 percent  unlawful  rate among  24,476 confirmed  aliens  in  BOP custody  and a 97 percent unlawful rate among  13,081 confirmed  aliens  in  USMS custody.

A highly-important note:

This  report  does not include  data on  the  foreign-born  or alien  populations  in  state  prisons and local  jails  because state  and local  facilities  do not  routinely  provide  DHS or DOJ with comprehensive  information  about  their  inmates  and detainees.  This  limitation  is noteworthy because  state and local  facilities  account  for  approximately 90 percent of  the total  U.S. incarcerated  population.  DHS and DOJ are working  to develop  a reliable  methodology  for estimating  the status  of state and  local  incarcerated populations  in  future  reports.

According to the numbers, one-in-five individuals incarcerated in DOJ custody — 20% — were born outside of the U.S. and a significant number are illegal aliens.

Besides the physical cost and toll taken on true Americans in the population — up to and including murder, rape, robbery, sodomy, various sex crimes and child abuse crimes — Illegal alien incarceration costs American taxpayers nearly $2 billion dollars per year.

Not exactly the way the argument has been framed by lovers of illegals, lovers of DACA and lovers of lawbreaking.

Tucker Carlson also spoke to Mark Steyn on the issue.

From Carlson’s show on December 21st:

  • “According to statistics from the U.S. Sentencing Commission, non-citizens are actually far more likely to commit serious crimes than Americans are.”
  • “Non-citizens account for 22 percent, more than a fifth of all federal murder convictions.”
  • “18 percent of fraud convictions.”
  • “33 percent of money laundering convictions,” added Carlson.
  • “29 percent of drug trafficking convictions and 72 percent of convictions for drug possession.”
  • “Meanwhile, the non-citizen percentage of the American people? About 7 percent.”

Let’s be bottom-line honest.

The Demorats want illegals because they are useful voting tools. Demorats want to be elected in perpetuity by ensuring the demography of Free Cheese Demanders skews their way. Yes. That would be illegals and “minorities.”

Leftists and the American Media Maggots want illegals for those reasons and take into account additional GOWP, fear, PC and racist factors against Caucasoids.

Republicans want illegals because they work for lesser wages than other Americans and that saves on the business bottom line.

Call me wacky, call me a tinfoil-hat-wearer, but I still believe that the so-called “three million vote advantage” that Hillary had over Donald Trump was due to voter fraud and illegals voting unchecked. In terms of lawful votes, I believe that Trump equaled if not exceeded the votes for Hillary Clinton.



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8 thoughts on “The high cost of illegal alien crime: bureaucrats have been lying to you

  1. Must you always demolish carefully crafted talking points (propaganda) with facts. A lot of people have spent time and money developing them and then you come along and stomp their sand castle. Annoying them and hurting their feelings is just mean!

  2. Facts?

    Call me wacky, call me a tinfoil-hat-wearer, but I still believe that the so-called “three million vote advantage” that Hillary had over Donald Trump was due to voter fraud and illegals voting unchecked. In terms of lawful votes, I believe that Trump equaled if not exceeded the votes for Hillary Clinton.

    No facts there….he chooses to believe,. Fair enough, believe what you want. You may also choose to believe the crowds at his inauguration were the BIGGEST ever!,,,,

    • Thank you WT, I can always count on you for comedic relief. Odd, how you didn’t dispute anything else.

      Merry Christmas to you.


      • Have to admit that I did t read it all. I was just stating that the last paragraph was not fact based.

        Happy Holidays to you as well.

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