Kids restore Mom & Dad’s lost first car

If this doesn’t bring some water to the corner of your eyes, I don’t know what will.

This is one cherry car, and Dad clearly had great taste. Listen to that engine and exhaust note!

By the way, the kids did this on their parents’ anniversary. You raised ’em well, guys.

I’d love to have this car myself if for no other reason than my department purchased and I drove the 1976 and 1977 Pontiac LeMans Enforcers.

Have a great weekend. Luckily, we all didn’t die from the heinous Blood Moon.



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10 thoughts on “Kids restore Mom & Dad’s lost first car

      • That should have been wallowing, not swallowing. And the size of the things!

        My first car? An Austin 1100. It had a get box rather like stirring porridge, but the road handling was pretty good – for a car built in 1970. Compared to a modern car it was terrible.

          • Okay WT, was it so old that it had no synchromesh in 1st? That means you had to completely stop the car before putting it into 1st gear? And BTW, are you in the UK?


            • No synchro was fine. Changing gear was like stirring porridge.

              My first car was when I was living in the UK. Doubt many 1100s were exported to US. In those days Most Americans were of the view Big was best when it came to cars.

              I can remember renting a Monte Carlo in 1980. It was a two door and huge. Driving in a straight line was fine. That was about it.

  1. Appears the interior was dirty, Dad was trying to get his eyes to focus.

    And the money quote, chuckling, “does the gas gauge work?” “no,did yours?”


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