Horrible Weather

To all my friends who have been frying the past three months:

What, Me Worry?

In Fornicalia, our temperatures have been radically less than normal. We, in Sacramento, perhaps received three days over 100-degrees the past two months.

In the Sierra Nevada Mountains where I live, so far this summer, I’ve mostly had to throw a blanket over my bed at night with the windows open.

The highest temps have been in the 80s.

Yeah. You all hate Fornicalia.

I had huge snows this past winter, which killed my fences. The rains continued. Water still pours down the South Yuba in a cascading fashion. Up until last week, some ski parks were still open.

To those who acquire Schadenfreude for my state: screw ya. Yes, we’ve a dysfunctional government, multitudes of Mexicans, but my weather still kicks yours to the curb.

You want to cool off and stop the floods and drought? Try my state.


I write this at 7pm on August 5th. The wind is making the pine branches shiver. I opened up the house in order to drop the temperatures. It’s 63-degrees. I’ve used my air conditioner twice so far this year. For a few minutes, perchance.

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