Many progressive/Lefty Oregon legislators are currently trying to jam through bills which will infringe on Second Amendment rights.
Listen to the compelling testimony of Manuel Martinez as he powerfully describes the hideous revolution and Marxist dictatorship under Fidel Castro. This video was recorded by citizen journalist, Dan Sandini (Dan had video featured in Andrew Breitbart’s Occupy Unmasked), at hearings in Salem, Oregon, last Friday the 5th.
This is Manuel Martinez, born in Cuba.
And to this I can only annotate:
“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
Yep, he telling it like it is! And they WILL NOT listen… sigh
Old NFO beat me to it.
**double sigh**
Marine4Ever, welcome aboard, thanks for visiting, and thanks for taking the time to comment! Please return frequently.
He needs to speak in front of Congress and the Senate. His words are compelling, deep and heart-wrenching.
This proves that gun control is NOT the answer. And I am resolved to fight this to the bitter end. He just added some more fuel to the fire.
May God bless this man.
Our government does NOT have the right to stomp on our constitutional rights. Nor should Americans allow it to happen. Obama and his administrators need to receive their walking papers.
“He needs to speak in front of Congress and the Senate. His words are compelling, deep and heart-wrenching.”
“COMPELLING TESTIMONY”. Yes, this surely is!
Look at what is happening this very day. Obama has flown Sandy Hook parents to Washington on Air Force One on TAXPAYER DOLLARS to try to use these pawns to influence Congress to further limit our gun rights. At the same time N. Korea is threatening us with nuclear war. That is what he should be concentrating on.
Today it was on the news that a third of our combat planes are grounded due to the sequester. We aren’t supplying gasoline for our Border Patrol to guard our southern border. The White House is closed to visitors. Yet this bastard is using our money on Air Force One, a big party at the White House with lots of celebrity entertainment, etc., etc.
Let’s just hope enough Americans listen to the likes of Mr. Martinez and cease messing with the Second Amendment and start removing the Socialists from our government before they destroy the country.
It’s sad and it’s premeditated but let me be CLEAR:
Those children are NOT worth our giving up our Second Amendment.
I am NOT worth it, YOU are not worth it, NO ONE is worth sacrificing our Second Amendment because, when it goes, so goes our FIRST and then our nation COLLAPSES and is turned into a Dictatorship.
Let me re-state for the Leftists who read me here:
Those children are NOT worth our giving up our Second Amendment.
That bastard in the oval office only knows how to do a very limited number of things well. They are: campaign, spend OUR money, and be the community organizer-in-chief. If you re-examine all that he has done over the past 5 years or so, it ALL fits into one of these 3 categories. Is it any wonder then that he feels he has to get our weapons? He knows it is NOT a matter of “if” but “when” a revolution erupts in the streets of this country. Hell, I believe that he is actually trying to make it happen. You think we’ve seen power grabbing already? Wait until that happens. Hell, he’ll make himself king when it comes.
He needs to be brought up on TREASON charges for some of what he has done. Fast and furious, Benghazi, and probably the worst crime, blabbing all about how HE got Osama Bin Laden. That whole affair was most definitely a treasonable offense! Add in Joe Biden in the charges and we get a Republican President out of it!