
My country is ready to proclaim me a Domestic Terrorist (go check out Texas Fred’s post on this hereDomestic Terrorist test here). I am considered for this proclamation because I believe in a limited Federal government, the primacy of states’ rights, limited general government, the preeminence of the First and Second Amendments, national sovereignty, local powers, independence, self-reliance.

This is the U.S. government making these declarations and, though ridiculous, my government is unwavering and very clear in its position.

WASHINGTON (CNN) – Senior White House adviser David Axelrod on Sunday suggested the “Tea Party” movement is an “unhealthy” reaction to the tough economic climate facing the country.

Axelrod was asked on CBS’s “Face the Nation” about the “spreading and very public disaffection” with the president’s fiscal policies seen at the “Tea Party” rallies around the country last week.

“I think any time you have severe economic conditions there is always an element of disaffection that can mutate into something that’s unhealthy,” Axelrod said.

This is my government thinking that dissent by lawful citizens is “unhealthy.”

And yet, on the other hand, my current federal government appears to have much ambivalence towards actual terrorists.

In truth, Mr Obama has kept a good deal of the hated Mr Bush’s GWOT infrastructure in place whilst, at the same time, publicly declaring the War On Terror to be defunct. The GWOT is now Nerfed to read as “Overseas Contingency Operations.” Terrorism is Nerfed to be “Man Caused Disasters.” Mr Obama has sworn to not only close Gitmo but essentially cease waterboarding or other options altogether, cease wiretapping and all efforts at rendition. Further, his release of memos regarding interrogation techniques exists at the farthest possible point from equivocation. I say: let’s just make things easier and cc the Taliban and other terror organizations when additional memos are sent to our alphabet agencies.

These are confusing, mixed messages of the worst kind. Both domestically and abroad.

The Obama Administration has it precisely backwards; this does nothing more than muddy already opaque waters and leave our country more susceptible to attacks by those determined to witness the fall of this Great Satan.

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11 thoughts on “Ambivalence

  1. When I saw ‘Man caused disaster’ I immediately thought: Washington, DC.

    Unfortunately they are trying to commit euphamasia to terrorism – the process of trying to kill an idea by making it sound nicer than it really is. So you are still left with the awful happening, but deprived of the proper word to describe it.

  2. My government also officially believes the recent wave of TEA Parties is “unhealthy”Since when did dissent become “unhealthy”?

    These same leftists used to insist on their rights to dissent.

    Ah, well. I shouldn’t be surprised at the double standard. The left is expert on THAT!

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