
Dearest Readers:

I just received a phone call from my wife, who indicated she was the recipient of a phone call from her brother. Her brother was told by a hospice nurse that my wife’s mother has perhaps a day or two left. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer roughly a month ago. After drafting this post and sending it, I’ll be packing and leaving within the hour.

I don’t know how long I’ll be away, quite frankly. It could be a few days, it could be a week. But at this point family trumps blogging. Please keep my wife’s family in your prayers.

As I’ve written when leaving for a bit: never fail to tell those you love how you feel about them.

Please keep you and yours safe and healthy.


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8 thoughts on “Away

  1. Your wife is fortunate to have you by her side.

    You’re all in my thouhgts and prayers, and all the good folks who visit here will be praying…it doesn’t sound like much, but God does listen.

    Veritas et Fidelis Semper

  2. Sorry to hear about this. I’ve lost a mother, step-mother and mother-in-law to cancer. I wish they’d find a cure for it!

    Have a safe trip, BZ. I know you will be a tremendous comfort to your wife.

    Many blessings.

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