Don’t get me wrong.
I think Paul Ryan is a very smart man. With regard to budgets, he gots skills. He gots game.
But as far as being an actual Conservative, Paul Ryan leaves me quite tepid.
Poll: Nearly half of GOP voters disapprove of Ryan
by Harper Neidig
Nearly half of Republican voters disapprove of Paul Ryan’s performance as House speaker, according to a new poll released Wednesday by Public Policy Polling.
Only 40 percent of GOP voters are happy with Ryan’s stint as speaker so far, while 44 percent disapprove. Those numbers worsen among all voters, with just 30 percent approval and 48 percent disapproval.
Many establishment Republicans have looked to Ryan unify the party, and speculation has grown as to whether he would mount his own last-ditch candidacy to attempt to block presumptive nominee Donald Trump.
For those who are actually Conservative, with a capital “C,” this comes as little surprise. The GOP has a history of betrayal and backstabbing. But instead of words like “betrayal” and “backstabbing” and “treachery” and “duplicity” and “perfidy,” the GOP embraces words like “conciliatory” and “compromise” and “bi-partisanship.” I tend to think of the GOP as the graphic below illustrates.
There’s a reason for this.
Look, it’s no secret that I’m on the downslope of life. I’m one of those terrible Caucasoid males the Leftists warn Millennials about. But at my age I must admit that I have run out of patience. I would also submit that, after contributing over a MILLION DOLLARS in taxes (yes, I figured it out), I “get” to run out of patience. After all, I’ve paid for that potential privilege. My “patience reservoir” is right out.
In my 60s, imagine that.
Because, you see, I’ve absolutely NO say with what happens to my hard-earned cash. I have had an official job requiring a social security number (in addition to mowing lawns) since I was 14. I know this because Social Security sends me a summary statement periodically. Yes. All the way back to the 60s when I started throwing papers for both of my then-local newspapers — one at 4 AM, and the other at 3 PM. I worked not just because I wanted the money but also because it’s what you did back then. You worked. I had papers dumped at the end of my parents’ driveway in a bundle, and it was up to me to roll them, band them, stuff them into the packs on my bicycle and then ride / throw them onto the porch of each house. If I failed to hit the porch closest, my customers complained.
They complained if I was “late” and they complained if I threw too short and they had to walk a few feet more down their driveway. They complained if I was a few more feet away from their front door.
Back to Paul Ryan.
And with that, back to Donald John Trump because, after all, who is Left besides Hillary and Bernie?
This poll? It’s nothing more than a dipstick into the engine block of the GOP.
Guess what?
Yep, the engine is out of oil and the bearings are getting hot.
Throwing newspapers, why does that sound familar? chuckling. I had a customer open the door in just a t-shirt once, when I had my route. A woman in her 40’s, and attractive, ready to “pay the bill”, as it were, except she was married, so that would have not been the best of circumstances.
I didn’t have her as a customer two days later.
The flat worm example is spot on. I must say, I’m a conservative, white male in my 50’s, I vote Republican because they are usually “conservative” and a better choice than voting Democrat, which is always a liberal and progressive choice, the values of which I do not agree with. Republicans lost their spines after Reagan. At times I think I’m fighting for core values on my own. I know I’m not, there are BZ, Fred, and others out there fighting also. It seems there are not enough of us anymore, but damn it I’m not going down without a fight. Some people want to have their last days peaceful and care-free. Not me. I’m an American Fighting Man, I took an oath to defend the Constitution, and I’m going kicking and screaming if necessary.
The Democrats figured out in the 60’s how to congeal the party to get what they want. The Republicans could actually learn something from that, and stop the in-fighting that seems to be their demise. The Republicans are their own worst enemy. I’ll still vote for them, many times under protest.
I don’t trust Paul Ryan.
I think he is a “piss-ant”.
I believe in Trump.
Yes I do.
I believe that Hillary Clinton is a Marxist, and a total liar.
She does not know what is best for our country, but “best” what is only for her.
I always vote.
I fought for it.
I’m with you on the lack of patience… sigh