Barack Obama proves that he is a SCOAMF

God bless the internet and video immured roughly forever now.  Watch as Mr Obama stammers uncontrollably.  What truly happened?

Mr Obama is so overtaken by an adrenaline dump because of his hatred for Trump that he momentarily loses the ability to speak.  On the other hand, no one ever accused Obama of being the world’s finest extemporaneous orator.

My guess?

The TelePrompter broke.



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4 thoughts on “Barack Obama proves that he is a SCOAMF

  1. Do you limp wristed Liberal Progressive, leftists, Marxists, Leninists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, Castroites, Alinkskyites, Useful idiots, Communists, Socialists, Anarchists, Democratic sheep, consider that tripe she spewed in that stupid speech brilliant? I thought it was boring, scripted, old, and lame! And sounded as she looked, like an unlikable old Hag.
    The Donald has not even begun to go to work on Crooked Hillary yet.. . And as Rocky said in the ring…is that all ya got! Hillary is going to get SCHLONGED if she dares to debate The Donald.

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