I’m updating my life in a very small way.
Aim your Twits @BlovtngZeppelin
I’m new to this stuff.
Trust me when I tell you I have yet to figure it out. And that I will need some help with this.
I might get back to you today. I might get back to you in a couple of weeks. Yes, I am that technologically daft.
Braver man than I… I’m staying OUT of that cesspool!!!
I’m giving it a shot to see.
Under BZ.
That only.
Both my wife & I don’t use Twitter as we tried it once and we really don’t see the purpose. We tested it when Serena Williams threatened a lines person at the US Open and said she was going to jam this bleeping ball down her bleeping throat. Lots of vulgarity and racism in the remarks we saw. Please comment on the value of Twitter after you get used to it so us non-Tweeters can see if we need (bad choice of a word) it in our lives.
Yeah, I’m not convinced of the word “need” yet, myself.
An experiment.
I refuse to Twitter, but I do use Facebook, a lot. I can’t keep up with blogging and Facebook, let alone working outside and inside the home with two boys to raise!
Good luck!! If you ever are on Facebook look me up. Just e-mail me and I will give you my full name.
If I “Facebook” it will be under the name BZ as well.
Don’t know yet.
I don’t guess the average person sees the importance of Twitter and Facebook, but those are 2 of the best tools a blogger can use… If I wasn’t a blogger I wouldn’t NEED Twitter, but I get tons of hits there, I have a lot of followers too… Over 1,100 followers, that equates to a lot a hits..
Heh, slippery slope there BZ.
…The theory suggests “ultra-brief social media like texting and Twitter encourages rapid, relatively shallow thought and consequently very frequent daily use of such media should be associated with cognitive and moral shallowness.”
Yeah, I read that. The ONLY reason I’m on it is a “hoped-for” increase in blog traffic.
Ain’t happenin’ yet, I see.
Just ribbin ya a bit of course. I am curious to see how much crossover there is from the 140 character world. Twitter has over 200 million active users and TF seems to be doing well (which is saying something;).
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