Sort of. At least I figured out how to reclaim my once-hijacked password, for the time being. I subscribed in 2009 but had my password hacked about 2.35 seconds later and, with that, cast Twitter aside. I was uninterested. My place on Twitter languished for a good five years.
I have, this week, re-upped with Twitter and found myself ablast with persons wishing to follow me and asking me to follow them. This was a literal digital tsunami the likes of which I was unprepared to handle.
I can see how one could devote their entire lives to Twitter. There is just so much information crashing about. But I will not be doing that. I will be accessing Twitter when it serves me or my agenda. Can’t be more honest than that.
Now I have to figure out how to put it on my “smart” phone. Which, frankly, is infinitely smarter than me.
I am: @BZep
Take it away, Twitter.
I remain a luddite. Hardly. But I have not seen the appeal of twitter.
I can’t work, blog, facebook, church and talk to my wife satisfactorily as it is.
Sorry BZ, I don’t do twit space or whatever…
Neither do I. Too much info.
If you’re a writer and/or blogger, Twitter is one of the most powerful syndication tools in the toolbox… If you want to be an early 20th century writer and hope your writings are miraculously picked up, then yes indeed, Twitter is too much effort…
That *too much effort* thing is tremendously funny because unless you truly are a luddite, you can set you blog to tweet FOR YOU every time you post…
We either grow with the times or we allow out minds to atrophy and die…
One of the reasons I decided to revisit the password issue was due to keeping my mind flushed clean and free. I want to continue to learn and try to challenge myself. I don’t have to immerse myself totally into technology, but I do wish to become more facile with it. I have to, however, balance this with my current job — at least for roughly another year.
So you know, there are a number of syndication links built in to the WP platform, I set yours up just like mine and Rob’s when this one was built… When you post Twitter doesn’t pick it up on this service, I am looking into that, but all you need to do is copy your link to whatever story and paste it into your Twitter feed and hit ENTER… Best damned hit getter there is..