The US Senate: looking out for your best interests regarding border security

Mexican-American_border_at_NogalesAnd the US Senate has determined that your best interests are not served by having a border fence along our southern border with Mexico.

From the

Senators on Tuesday rejected building the 700 miles of double-tier border fencing Congress authorized just seven years ago, with a majority of the Senate saying they didn’t want to delay granting illegal immigrants legal status while the fence was being built.

The 54-39 vote to reject the fence shows the core of the immigration deal is holding. The vote broke mostly along party lines, though five Republicans, including Sen. Marco Rubio and the rest of the bill’s authors, voted against the fence, and two Democrats voted for it.

Please note that: Marco Rubio voted against the fence.

Republicans had offered the fence as a way to build the confidence of voters skeptical that the government will enforce its laws, but opponents said building more fencing is costly, would take too long, and shouldn’t be dictated by Washington.

“I think we should leave that to the best judgment of the Border Patrol,” said Sen. John McCain, one of the eight senators who wrote the immigration bill.

John McCain, a POW from the Vietnam era, has served his country well whilst in the military.  I believe he does not serve his country now, though he “represents” the state of Arizona, obviously a border state with Mexico.  This is a conflict that I cannot conjur or condone.  Mr McCain has served his time and needs to leave politics immediately.  Which, of course, he will not.

Sen. John Thune, South Dakota Republican, proposed the border fence amendment, which would have prevented the administration from granting any illegal immigrants legal status under the bill until at least 350 miles of double-tier fencing has been erected, and would withhold full citizenship rights until 700 total miles have been built.

Correct.  Thune proffered a logical amendment in which he required the government to do something actively and up front.  I concur.  I don’t trust the federal government.  They have given us many years of execrable performance (mostly the lack thereof) to justify this tanking of trust.

This was a bit of my personal “make or break” point, and the federal government has broken things once again.  They are men and women who are primarily interested in serving their own best interests of self, and the American Taxpayers can predominantly go straight to Hell.

Minutes after the border fence, senators also voted to weaken current law that requires the government to have biometric checks such as fingerprints or eye-scans for every visitor to the U.S. — a recommendation of the 9/11 commission that looked into the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York.

Read that again: weaken CURRENT law.  A “recommendation of the 9/11 commission that looked into the terrorist attacks on Washington and New York.”

Then the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) weighs in:

CBO: Immigration bill only stops 25 percent of illegal immigration

The Senate immigration bill will be a major boost to the federal budget but does relatively little to clamp down on illegal immigration — cutting the future flow by only about 25 percent — according to the Congressional Budget Office analysis of the bill, released Tuesday afternoon.

Under the bill, which legalizes illegal immigrants and invites in foreign workers, immigration will total 10.4 million more people over the next decade and 16.2 million by 2033.

So: another “feel good” bill which is predicated, again, on naught but emotions, leaving facts and reality kicked to the curb?

Apparently so.

With a caveat to John Boehner via

Dana Rohrabacher warns John Boehner on speakership

By REBECCA ELLIOTT | 6/18/13 7:27 AM EDT

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) says Speaker John Boehner should be ousted if he rams through an immigration bill without majority Republican support.

“If Speaker Boehner moves forward and permits this to come to a vote even though the majority of the Republicans in the House—and that’s if they do—oppose whatever it is that’s coming to a vote, he should be removed as Speaker,” Rohrabacher said on World Net Daily radio on Monday.

On the other hand, does anyone think that, suddenly, magically, the GOP will somehow find a pair of testicles and/or a spine recently discarded from a person missing both these essential items?

I don’t.




Supreme Court: Arizona’s citizenship proof law is illegal

US Supreme CourtMeaning: you can’t require proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

From the Associated Press:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court ruled Monday that states cannot on their own require would-be voters to prove they are U.S. citizens before using a federal registration system designed to make signing up easier.

Welcome to your New United States, America, where Scalia votes in the majority as well.




“Doctors dump health insurance plans, charge patients less” — the coming look for medicine?

ObamaKare LogoFrom

WICHITA, Kan., June 14 (UPI) —
A Kansas physician says he makes the same income and offers better quality care to his patients after he dumped all health insurance companies.

Thirty-two-year old family physician Doug Nunamaker of Wichita, Kan., said after five years of dealing with the red tape of health insurance companies and the high overhead for the staff he hired just to deal with paperwork, he switched to a system of charging his patients a monthly fee plus the price of an office visit or test, CNN/Money reported.

For example, under Nunamaker’s membership plan — also known as “concierge” medicine or “direct primary care” practices — each patient pays a flat monthly fee to have unlimited access to the doctors and any medical service they can provide in the practice, such as stitches or an EKG.

We all know that the cost of healthcare is going to skyrocket under Mr Obama’s dutiful and loving ObakaKare in 2014.  It’s doing so already.  The cost of healthcare in Fornicalia may increase up to 146%.  See article here.

ObamaKare is also causing businesses to shed employees so that they stay under the minimum employee coverage cap of 50, or to cut hours to less than 30 per week.

The Roberts Supreme Court cleared the way for ObamaKare by ruling that its mandate is a tax and not a penalty.

That all said, there is going to be much pain under ObamaKare, for me and you and the American Taxpayer.  There will be little pain, of course, for those lampreys who simply want a continuation of their Free Cheese, to include illegal Mexicans and other illegal and parasitic invaders.

Free Cheese Parasite & TaxpayerFirst, there will be pain.  Much pain, as illustrated above.  This introductory period will be a very bad time for the average American Taxpayer to get sick or injured.

Slowly but surely, however, things will come around.  Nature abhors a vacuum and the sucking sound created by ObamaKare will produce a void that will be filled by American ingenuity, both lawful and “unlawful” — though I consider ObamaKare and the complete government takeover of American medicine in and of itself unlawful.

First, “concierge” programs like the one above will increase.

There may also be cash-only programs offered solely to the wealthiest of us, with exclusive doctors catering to individuals on the highest of orders.

We may also go back to something of a bartering system.

But this vacuum will be filled, ladies and gentlemen; the “get-around” is only beginning to ferment.

In the meantime, this from

U.S. producing ‘abysmally low’ number of primary care doctors

Despite a shortage of U.S. primary care doctors, less than 25 percent of new doctors go into this field, and fewer still work in rural areas, researchers say.

Lead study author Dr. Candice Chen, an assistant research professor of the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services, said the study also found only 4.8 percent of the new primary care physicians set up shop in rural areas.

Currently, the United States is producing primary care physicians at rates that are “abysmally low,” Chen said.

Ladies and gentlemen, the doctor-to-patient ratio in the United States is already execrable.  Under ObakaKare with millions more persons to be poured into the equation, and senior doctors retiring at an unprecedented rate because they don’t wish to be involved in more bureaucracy (as the current bureaucracy is stealing their soul), the only possibly immediate result is in fact rationing of services.

As most everyone — at least on the Left Coast — realizes, good luck in even being able to communicate in English with your doctor or nurse.




ObamaKare: so good for us ALL

obamacare-cartoon-2-aSo good, in fact, that Politico spouts this headline:

Obamacare? We were just leaving …

Dozens of lawmakers and aides are so afraid that their health insurance premiums will skyrocket next year thanks to Obamacare that they are thinking about retiring early or just quitting.

The fear: Government-subsidized premiums will disappear at the end of the year under a provision in the health care law that nudges aides and lawmakers onto the government health care exchanges, which could make their benefits exorbitantly expensive.

Clearly, from this, the authors of ObamaKare have made a large mistake: they didn’t exempt nearly enough people in DC.