Child Fodder

Children are fodder in war. From Australia:

Sheik Shady Suleiman, a youth leader at Lakemba Mosque in Sydney’s southeast, told his students in a one-hour Arabic and English lecture that it would be “self defence” to kill children who were attacking them in battle.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’m not stopping the posts. We have to understand, face, challenge and expose the true nature of Islamists in re Islam, the so-called religion of peace, understanding and tolerance.

And oh, some small print from the article:

Sheik Shady said that while it was obligatory for all Muslims to defend an Islamic nation under attack, there were no Muslim countries living under Sharia law that were currently under attack.

Huh. Imagine that.

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7 thoughts on “Child Fodder

  1. The idiot doesn’t even realize we don’t use our children in battle. They are the only ones evil enough to do that! Heavens to mergatroid, that man is oogly!

  2. The muzzies consider their children ammunition and their women to be weapon factories. What else is new.

    They are surprised that we don’t feel the same way about women and children in our society.

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