Christine O’Donnell:

Frankly, you look like a buffoon.

With a poorly-thought-out stunt like that, you axed whatever voters you may have had left in any future campaign. You are a public figure and, as such, subject to questions that, in truth, were neither rude nor “creepy.”

And to intimate it may have been “borderline sexual harrassment“? You really want to play that card?


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8 thoughts on “Christine O’Donnell:

  1. I am proud that she walked out. His questions were unprofessional, invasive and quite frankly, in very bad taste. He was deliberately baiting her and trying to embarrass her.

    She did the right thing and left that moron sitting there.

  2. Leticia, those were topics she herself wrote about in the book and were, as such, fair game. She came not as a politician but as an author, promoting her new book. If she wishes to further pick and choose the chapters in her book, it doesn’t quite always work out that way. No one wins when you walk off a set.

    TF: she didn’t do her future any solids.

    WSF: that’s the ultimate point. She is NOT ready for “Prime Time” and it showed clearly.


  3. BZ, then if those topics were in her book, then his questions were legitimate and she should have addressed them. So, now that I am aware of this bit of information, she was wrong to leave.

    Thanks for correcting me.

  4. She acts and speaks like a 10 year old and all Republicans should be tired of defending this girl.
    Not standing up for Piers Morgan here, believe me, he’s as biased as they come, but she’s embarrassing.

  5. Leticia, you are quite welcome. In the complete interview, Piers Morgan notes that the topics were raised in her very own book, yet she wanted to hold to her own bullet points. If you’re actively promoting a book, which is unlike promoting yourself in times of elections, you can do yourself your very own favor: be honest. Address the question(s) and move on. If the points were NOT in your book, you identify that and move on. She should KNOW that she WOULD make national news by doing what she did.

    She didn’t do herself any real favors here. As Z says, I’m not standing up for Piers Morgan. But you MUST be able to take these questions and more if you plan to step up to the Bigger Plate.


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