Collins & Manchin: YES on Kavanaugh

The final vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh will ostensibly occur tomorrow.

At this point, absent a comet or earthquake, I would suppose we could call Judge Kavanaugh, on Sunday, Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Also of note:

This is the look you get when your cooked-up bullshit is exposed, you know it, and it even bothers you. Diane Feinstein knows precisely what she did, that it was wrong, that it destroyed a process, destroyed a confidence and may destroy a man and family who didn’t deserve destruction.


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4 thoughts on “Collins & Manchin: YES on Kavanaugh

    • Even if we get Kavanaugh, this is NO time to get complacent.

      We MUST show up at the polls!



  1. Let’s hope no one gets cold feet. Such a party split with only 2 flip flops really is disappointing. I’d say the Senate Dems have reached a new level of political “gamesmanship” with this confirmation process. Don’t worry ladies, you’ll still be able to abort your babies for quite some time to come (especially in the first trimester). And the NRA and lawful gun owners aren’t going to force you to purchase a firearm or have a shoot off in your back yard.

    I’d call Judge Kavanaugh “Justice Kavanaugh” (and refer to Chief Justice Roberts as “Chief Justice Roberts”) if I’m ever lucky enough to argue a case before the USSC. Doubt they like that “Associate Justice” language from peon lawyers šŸ™‚

    Can only hope ENOUGH voters will be smart enough to #WalkAway in November; and that, the Dem’s will suffer great losses for the way they attempted to destroy Judge Kav and his family during this “confirmation” circus.

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