Daily Kos: STOP Dollars to Dems

Markos Moulitsas, who started the Daily Kos, seems to think that it’s time to stop writing checks to the DCCC. He stated so here.

It’s because the Demorats are insufficiently Left for the Left.

This is a wonderful thing. It’s what I’ve been writing for, literally, years: the Demorats really are insufficiently Left for the Left.

I couldn’t have said or written it better myself: stop sending money to the Demorats. Pure!

The Dems/Kos is/are agitated here.

Glenn Thrush at Politico writes:

Kos impresario and [Tancredo hunter] Markos Moulitsas is urging fellow liberals to ditch donating to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — because the party is backing a slew of battleground district moderates/conservatives who voted against the big health care bill on Saturday.

Omigawd! You mean —gulp! — that everything isn’t pure?


Not quite.

Conservatives have problems?

Well, Leftists, Socialists, Marxists, Fascists have them too.

Imagine that.

All is not lost yet.

Take heart.

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