Debt Ceiling: Congress Actually Agrees; Mr Obama Says No

From The Washington Post:

A Republican aide e-mails me: “The Speaker, Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell all agreed on the general framework of a two-part plan. A short-term increase (with cuts greater than the increase), combined with a committee to find long-term savings before the rest of the increase would be considered. Sen. Reid took the bipartisan plan to the White House and the President said no.”

Does this situation bring to mind the phrase “will have to own it” to anyone besides me, perchance?

More information here.


You see, Republicans, do you see? Even when you compromise it’s not enough. It will never be enough. It will always be your “fault.”

So why compromise?


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5 thoughts on “Debt Ceiling: Congress Actually Agrees; Mr Obama Says No

  1. BZ, love that image and the text. I’m reminded of the old Goldwater quote, “moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue and extremism in pursuit of liberty is no vice” maybe I’m parapharsing, but you get the idea.

    I’m been building a commerical site for my best friend in Little Rock and haven’t had much time to post lately–thanks for visiting.

  2. The Republicans are ALWAYS wrong and ALWAYS to blame. So why not pull out all the stops and REALLY make people angry?

    What in the HELL have they got to lose? Quite nothing, I submit.

    But there is little courage extant.

    And your quote is correctly attributed.


  3. This is Obama’s “Waterloo”.

    He has been caught in a democratic lie scare tactic.
    Watch him shuck and jive as the hang rope is put around his scrawny neck.

    I predict that some Democrats have had enough now, and will leak out Obama’s real past, and who he really is.

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