69 Democrat crybabies

This cartoon says it all. I simply could not pass it up because it so aptly underscores the silliness of the 69 whining Democrat crybabies who refused to attend the inauguration of Donald Trump. A respectful transition of power? Not on your life, according to the Demorats.

The Demorats are in the wilderness at this point, still navel-gazing, and still completely unable to understand just why they lost the House, the Senate and the White House.



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9 thoughts on “69 Democrat crybabies

    • It certainly SHOULD happen though. Even better would be that each and every one of them gets recalled by the voters in their districts but that probably won’t happen either. I think they all knew that since they are in heavily democRATic districts they are pretty safe.

  1. Agree, Trump, like it or not, will be president in 15 mins.

    Watching the inauguration….somhood to see the separation of church and state!!!!

  2. Looks like enough voters got tired of both party’s lying self-interest. The republicans got Trump but more important Trump got the republicans. They will educate Trump. Trump will find he is no longer the Owner-Boss but a representative where he will, for the most part, watch the House and the Senate pass the bills. We all know the process when a president veto’s a bill. It can still pass. I am shocked so many dislike Trump for playing good buddy with Putin. It’s call diplomacy. While saying “‘nice-doggy” you’re looking for a rock.” The American War Machine may be the end of Trump. And that Hillary and Bill! They closed their reported Charity cabal in days. And when so many need some charity. Well Hillary will have to pay it back somehow.

  3. Pingback: The insanity of the racist DNC chair candidates | Bloviating Zeppelin

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