Feinstein v Kavanaugh, on the Second Amendment

Day Two of the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.

Feinstein attempting to make something out of nothing. And long guns are prevalent in the United States. Kavanaugh again emphasizes his belief in precedent. Feinstein once more attempting to rid the US of any and all firearms.



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7 thoughts on “Feinstein v Kavanaugh, on the Second Amendment

  1. She is someone I seldom agree with on any subject. Her constant use of the term “assault weapons” for example. That said, I applaud her apology to Judge Kavanaugh about the behavior to the petulant children infesting the Democrat Party. She, at least, acts senatorial.

    • In that regard, yes. But her understanding of the Second and, pretty much, ANYTHING having to do with firearms is woefully and fundamentally flawed. The AR-15 IS in fact a ubiquitous weapon.

      Not that that has, again, ANYTHING to do with Heller.


  2. Feinstein asked the judge how he can ‘reconcile’ his comments with the hundreds of school shootings using assault style weapons in recent history. Firstly, can anyone tell me what hundreds of school shootings? Statements like this ought to be challenged yet go by with nary a comment from anywhere.
    Secondly, this is a prime example of how the left thinks. It is not up to a judge to reconcile his comments/decisions with anything other than the law. To do otherwise undermines the basic premise of ‘blind justice’ and opens the door to emotional justice, fickle justice and eventually no justice unless it supports the left’s agenda.

  3. Was an interesting exchange to say the least. Says a lot about how Judge Kav will actually apply that crazy thing known as the LAW when a case reaches the USSC. Feinstein actually seems civil now compared to Kamala Harris or Corey Booker.

    Watching these hearings is a great review and learning experience in how constitutionAL (not the same as the constitution itself) law is actually applied by a knowledgeable, professional, and constitutional jurist.

    I’m sure there will be many more loaded questions from the left on “Guns” “Mass Shootings” and ” a woman’s Right to Choose” over the course of these hearings (which have nothing to do with the confirmation process for a USSC Justice anyway). More Kabuki Theater.

    I’m glad the protesters are getting arrested, I could only wish the obstructionist politicians encouraging and perhaps planning these interruptions would also get taken away in cuffs. I’m still having a hard time actually believing that grown adults continue to act so childish amidst their ignorance of how our Gov’t actually works. ESPECIALLY those who are actually Senators.

    When all is said and done, Judge Kav. will be confirmed. He’s no Scalia, Thomas, or Rehnquist, but he should do OK as a USSC Justice and one of nine living black robed g_ds of our judicial system oligarchy. Even if they have to “go nuclear” he’ll be confirmed. Good news is, for Judge Kav., this will likely be his LAST job interview ever.


  4. Speaking of the protesters… I’m seeing reports about how they are being paid to disrupt the hearing. Imagine the outrage and twisted panties that would occur if the Republicans tried to do this. The outraged wails and cries from the left would alter the weather patterns of the entire northern hemisphere for the next 20 years…

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