Five dead at Capital Gazette newspaper shooting

And because law enforcement is being cagey again with the information, I am wondering. But first, from the itself:

Five dead, others ‘gravely injured’ in shooting at Capital Gazette newspaper in Annapolis

by Kevin Rector

t least five people were killed and several others were “gravely injured” in a shooting Thursday afternoon at the Capital Gazette in Anne Arundel County, authorities said.

A shooter is in custody, police said. Police would not name the suspect or say what type of weapon was used.

Anne Arundel County Police initially confirmed about 3:15 p.m. that they were responding to an “active shooter” at 888 Bestgate Road, where the newspaper’s offices are located. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives also responded to the scene.

The Capital Gazette is owned by The Baltimore Sun.

The Baltimore Sun, by the way, leans quite Left. Listening to the radio I discovered that the Capital Gazette, however, does not — and in fact has been supportive of President Donald Trump.

The suspect has been described as a white male, in his 30s, with long, stringy hair and having no identification on his person.

My first thought: domestic terrorism motivated by Leftist political bias. That would be in keeping with recent events regarding death threats, confrontations and advocacy of violence against Trump supporters. Does that also include, now, newspapers?



Police response was astounding: within 60 seconds. AND: there is much more going on here than the police are revealing. The suspect apparently had some sort of animus against the newspaper — and had somehow damaged his fingertips in an attempt to avoid identification. It gets more odd.


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3 thoughts on “Five dead at Capital Gazette newspaper shooting

  1. Not sure it has anything to do with domestic terrorism motivated by a left leaning political bias. He sued one of the editors claiming defamation after it was reported he had plead guilty to criminal harassment of a woman on social media.

    Saddens me to say but it yet another example of multiple deaths because of lax gun laws. It will happen again, and again. Just the new normal I am afraid.

    • Turns out it wasn’t. Just a dude with a personal vendetta.

      But the lax gun law thingie? Total crap. Lawfully purchased shotgun. Not a heinous “assault shotgun” with evil looking black dangly bits attached for a fright factor. No gun law would have stopped this event. You can’t stop evil. The only alternative would be gun confiscation and, well, that’s not going to happen unless you’re looking to instigate a true second civil war. And ol’ BZ would be in the middle of the mix on that one. Molon Labe, WT.


  2. You are right, you cannot ban evil but you can take away their ability to kill a lot of people. Compare the number of multiple homicides in the US with the rest of the G7….is it that the US has far more evil people?

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