Free Speech? “Not Tolerated In MY Party,” Florida Democrats Say

Free speech is the LAST thing any Democrat wants.

Case in point? From

Rush Limbaugh has long been a thorn in the side of liberals, but now, because of him, some Democratic politicians don’t even want to join with a local radio station to broadcast hurricane information.

Radio station WIOD, AM 610, has been the official channel for emergency information from Broward County government for the past year. The County Commission, all Democrats, balked at renewing the deal Tuesday, unable to stomach the station also being home to Limbaugh’s talk show.

You know the Democrats. They are all about:

  • Fairness
  • Diversity
  • Tolerance
  • Freedom of expression

But only as long as its their views, their platform, their way of thinking.

Everyone else can take their thoughts and go to Hell; they’ll do their best to kill any thinking save that of their own.

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