It just gets better: “Progressive Group: IRS Gave Us Conservative Groups’ Confidential Docs”


The progressive-leaning investigative journalism group ProPublica says the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) office that targeted and harassed conservative tax-exempt groups during the 2012 election cycle gave the progressive group nine confidential applications of conservative groups whose tax-exempt status was pending.

You mean to say that Leftists went after Conservatives under a Leftist government?  Shocking, I tell you!  Shocking!

The commendable admission lends further evidence to the lengths the IRS went during an election cycle to silence tea party and limited government voices.

ProPublica says the documents the IRS gave them were “not supposed to be made public”:

The same IRS office that deliberately targeted conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status in the run-up to the 2012 election released nine pending confidential applications of conservative groups to ProPublica late last year… In response to a request for the applications for 67 different nonprofits last November, the Cincinnati office of the IRS sent ProPublica applications or documentation for 31 groups. Nine of those applications had not yet been approved—meaning they were not supposed to be made public. (We made six of those public, after redacting their financial information, deeming that they were newsworthy.)

The group says that “no unapproved applications from liberal groups were sent to ProPublica.”

Isn’t it criminal to steal the tax information of others?

And, isn’t it — as Obama says — just another “side-show.”

Except that this so-called “side-show,” Mr Obama, is a show entirely of your creation, helmed by you, abetted by you, rubber-stamped by you.

This is the new Obama:

Barack Milhous Obama

Barack Milhous Obama

Though this will be swept aside to a major degree by Obama-fellating American Media Maggots, there are still a handful of true journalists who will cover the information, though they clearly number in the minority.

For an administration that sold itself as the “most transparent in history,” it would seem that unprecedented opacity is the actual norm.

AMM - American Media Maggots 1I am so incredibly tired that the American Media Maggots continuously portray these abrogations, these heinous abuses of power, as “mistakes.”  They are not mistakes; they were made with great purpose and, as a result, there should be criminal investigations and resulting convictions.  People should be put into prison.

And there needs to be a Special Prosecutor.  We need to know what went on in these events — Benghazi, the IRS, the AP taps — and, absent a Special Counsel, this illegal conduct will simply be whitewashed.  Someone needs to be INDEPENDENT of the DOJ and the White House.

The investigation needs to be comprehensive, thorough, honest and truly independent.  There is no room for any kind of “committee;” our government’s veracity is being undermined by Barack Hussein Obama on a scale that grows with each passing week.  It is, to quote Hugh Hewitt, “serial lawbreaking” on the part of the Obama Administration — and Mr Obama is responsible.  It is his cabinet, his employees, taking place on his Watch.

The coercive powers of government were used for partisan politics, plain and simple.




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12 thoughts on “It just gets better: “Progressive Group: IRS Gave Us Conservative Groups’ Confidential Docs”

  1. Time to throw the bum out! He has disgraced both his office and the country. Still, I talk to idiots who defend him…..disgusting!

    • But wait!

      There will be MORE abrogations of government and liberty!

      It’s Barack Milhous Obaka, after all.


      • Yes, more to come almost without a doubt. Still, too many of us don’t take all this seriously as we only see and hear form those who are outraged.

  2. Interesting a left wing group releases this information. Can’t applaud them; should have released the information before the election. Still, is the Lightbringer now reaching the point where he makes a maggot gag?

  3. This socialist octopus has tentacles everywhere. Which really doesn’t surprise me. With this group of thugs, is an Independent counsel even possible? Anyway, no doubt he’s waiting for time to pass and all this will be relegated to ‘that was a long time ago’ status so let’s move on and get to the business of obamacare. I’m starting to get a Pavlovian reaction whenever I see his picture…acute nausea.

  4. I, for one, must object to the Nixon corollaries.

    1. The Dean memo does not mention the IRS at all.

    2. “On December 20, 1973, the Congressional Joint Committee on Internal Revenue Taxation concluded that people on the “Enemies” list had not been subjected to an unusual number of tax audits.”


    3. Have a look at the list top 20.

    Any objections?

    Let’s keep our Americas separate from our anti Americans

    • Noted. Nixon was still an unhappy man. . .

      And the comparison was in terms of his Watergate and his reaction to same.


      • O.T. We’ve gotta get rid of my angry face avatar thingy whatever. It’s fun sometimes but other times it lends the wrong impression. Is there a way to log in with my owl?

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