U.S. Republican presidential candidate John Kasich speaks at the 2016 Kemp Forum on Expanding Opportunity in Columbia, South Carolina, January 9, 2016. REUTERS/Randall Hill
Ohio Governor John Kasich, who was in the running for president but was defeated by Donald Trump, won’t step foot near the GOP Convention though it is being held in Cleveland, a city in his state.
John Kasich, who I freely admit I never cared for because of his stances and because he simply chafes my ass the wrong way — may as well admit it to the public. He’s no Republican.
From CNSNews.com:
Gov. Kasich: We Want Immigration – Population is Stagnant in Ohio
by Eric Sheiner
(CNSNews.com) – Ohio Gov. and former Republican presidential candidate John Kasich (R-Ohio) told an audience in Cleveland that he looks at immigration as an opportunity because Ohio has a “stagnant growth of population – we want people to come to Ohio.”
“When I look at immigration I look at a new level of energy,” Kasich told an International Republican Institute gathering on Tuesday.
I find that a bit odd, Governor Kasich. I’ve heard you speak like this before — you have already said that illegals are “made in the image of the Lord” –and you’ve also said that illegal immigrants are a “critical part of our society.” John Kasich said “I couldn’t imagine” enforcing our current immigration laws. “That is not the kind of values. . .that we believe in.” Kasich said he does not supporting deporting illegals. “I don’t think it’s right; I don’t think it’s humane.”
But just a note, Mr Kasich. Could it possibly be that persons are leaving Ohio precisely because of your policies? Purposely? Nah, you say, perish the thought. You don’t believe in state emigration.
Ah, it now becomes clear. You, Mr Kasich, believe in the “rule of law” just as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey and Loretta Lynch believe in the “rule of law.” That is, the rules are eminently enforceable when they conform to Leftist ideals but not so much when they are applied equally across the board. Having a “rule of law” is not humane.
In other words, John Kasich is in complete agreement with the Obama Administration. Neither he nor Mr Obama can imagine enforcing our current immigration laws. Hence, deportations of illegals are down 60% since 2011, despite the fact that we know illegals are flooding the border, bringing in TB, other diseases, and that 99% of Syrian refugees are Muslim and not Christian. We are experiencing a 10-year low in overall deportations.
Let’s continue with the article:
Kasich also told the audience that he is concerned about extreme nationalism and isolationism.
“When I look around the world, what is it that I see, I see growing nationalism. There is nothing wrong with nationalism, until it becomes extreme — we all love our countries. Secondly there is an increasing tide of isolationism, lets just take care of us, lets pull the shades down, lock the doors and lets just forget the rest of the world and take care of ourselves,” Kasich said.
Again, good to know, John Kasich. Good to know that you would call it “isolationism and nationalism” when people want to keep and hold onto an economy, an assimilated and not a divided society, and public safety.
What about one’s word, Governor Kasich? How about the oath, the pledge that all the Republican candidates made to support the GOP nominee? It would appear that one’s word doesn’t mean much — and I’m talking to you, John Kasich. Your state, the GOP Convention is in your back yard, no John Kasich, only silence.
So yes, it appears that your philosophy on many levels is more congruent with that of the Demorats than the Republicans. Because there is only one way to take all these illegal immigrants and somehow make them producing Americans who pay taxes and contribute to society: elevate them as a priority above all others. Pay them, give them, forgive them, help enable them to live in enclaves that don’t speak English. Excellent idea, sir. Wait; doesn’t that sound a bit like isolationism?
Let’s not forget that John Kasich has said he would grant amnesty within the first 100 days of his administration.
I ask: does any of this, my dear readers, sound akin to words spoken by someone else running for president who wears pantsuits?
John Kasich, there is nothing wrong with having opinions, expressing them, and having political philosophies.
I simply wish you’d be honest with yourself and the rest of the nation.
Do us all a favor; just change your (R) to a (D) and be done with it.
Sounds like a perfect candidate for Shillary’s VP pick.
Honesty and clarity. I value both.
Once Trump is elected, the GOP has some house cleaning to do. Kasich, Cruz, the Bushies and their ilk need to be told they are no longer welcome. Dig deep and you will find that they are all “New World Order” one world government proponents. These types need to be weeded out and exposed if we are to keep our sovereignty. They are more aligned with the Marxists (Clintons, Obamas, Soros) than “We The People”. The GOP convention has shown a bright light on these roaches trying to covertly steal our country.