July 4th

Obama Imperial FaceI’m at work today, but in celebration of this day, I recommend reading the information at these links:

The Declaration of Independence.

The US Constitution.

The Bill of Rights.

The Federalist Papers.

When in doubt, always, always go back to the basics.

God bless America, the last and best supporter of freedom on the planet and, as always, an experiment in progress.

Today’s government, unfortunately, confiscates your rights and then sells them back to you via taxes and blood.  The greatest threat to this country and its American Taxpayer is not Islam or Right Wing radicals and soldiers — as the federal government would have you believe.  It is that government itself.




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6 thoughts on “July 4th

  1. Hi, BZ….work or no work, I hope you have a good day and thank you for the reminder to READ OUR ROOTS. I wish our kids had to.

  2. Happy Independence Day BZ
    You are a true patriot in public service.
    That blue line, has gotten thinner.
    Best wishes 🙂

  3. Happy Independence Day!
    Thank you for the links. We today can have no real appreciation for how daring and difficult it must have been for the founders to make the decision to part ways with GB. We are so comfortable with our freedoms, complacent in our belief that we will always have them. Something Jefferson wrote stood out: “We were under conviction of the necessity of arousing our people from the lethargy into which they had fallen as to passing events; and thought that the appointment of a day of general fasting & prayer would be most likely to call up & alarm their attention.”
    I wish someone would have the courage to propose that today.
    Happy Birthday, America, Land that I Love.
    God Bless You.

  4. Them’s always good readin’.

    Please, BZ, have a boring shift. I pray for the safety of all the First Responders this and every day.

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