Kenyans: Smarter Than Sewage?

Apparently not.

75+ people killed in Nairobi due to an innate misunderstanding of reality.

Idiocy of this nature actually gives the appellation “Third World” a bad name.

And my blunt honesty makes you quite uncomfortable, doesn’t it?

As well it should.

This pleases me.

Darwin at work, yes?


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4 thoughts on “Kenyans: Smarter Than Sewage?

  1. Well,,, ignorance in this century,, and these Negroes will be ignorant in the next century,, unless they kill all of themselves off.
    What you have reported is the “evolution of man”, albeit a small part of it, but very important at this time because of the negro uprising in this Republic of ours , alas, with a Negro president.
    Just go to the island of Haiti. It is close by and populated by slaves left there when the trading of them stopped.
    It is still a “shithole of the first order, just like their home country of Africa 150 years later!!!!
    And people say they are intelligent??
    NONSENSE is what I say.
    Wake up folks, there is going to be a huge race war soon in these United States.
    If you are white, then you better be prepared, as this will be like the South Africa uprising, but ten times worse.
    You have been notified here.
    Take heed, or be slaughtered by the black uprising !! tick,,,tick,,,tick

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