Lt Col Allen B West for President

Greybeard at Pitchpull has a video up on his site in which Lt Col Allen B West speaks about his country and himself, and how things out to be:

Simultaneously, cj at An Angry American also has a West video posted in which he historically shreds a member of CAIR at an open mike forum a few days ago, on February 21st:

The Broward/Palm Beach New Times published a response by that CAIR representative at the forum, Executive Director Nezar Hamze. In this printed response, he states that Rep West “brought great shame” to the US House of Representatives.
I submit the reverse is quite true. It is Hamze and Islam as practiced that brings great shame to a great many people. People are starting to realize that, as I have written for many years now, “Islam is as Islam does.”
CAIR is a funder of Hamas. Hamas states in its charter that it will “obliterate Israel.” The greatest threat to a Muslim is another Muslim as in, Sunni vs Shiite, tribe vs tribe, locale vs locale. It truly is: “Me against my brother. me and my brother against my cousin. Me, my brother, and my cousin against the stranger.”
Further, taqqiyah is the purposeful “dissembling” or outright lying by Muslims to non-believers or infidels. It is not only embraced but demanded by Islam as practiced. It is the Islamist’s job to lie, refute and to use the other’s system against them.
Lt Col West simply dares to speak the truth and uses the terrible inconvenience of truth to back his statements.
Florida should be proud.
What DC thinks of Islam:

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7 thoughts on “Lt Col Allen B West for President

  1. Unfortunately, I think that Col West is too conservative to make it. Besides, the liberals would NEVER allow a black conservative to become president. It doesn’t fit the narrative.

  2. BZ, agreed, West is awesome, but if the RNC tries to foist Palin off on a West ticket, we have a ticket that is half good, and one that WILL cost the GOP a win and a hell of a lot of supporters…

    I am to the point that I don’t give a damn who gets pissed off when I say it, Palin is a WRECK looking for a place to happen and she needs to get the fuck OUT of American politics… You betcha… By golly doggone it…

  3. DAMN my RACIST views!

    How DARE I recommend a BLACK MAN for president!

    When, on the other hand, I excoriate the CURRENT black man??

    Might this have something to do with PHILOSOPHY rather than MELANIN??

    Mull that around a bit, if you will. . .


  4. Rather than bad mouthing Allen West or, for that matter, Nezar Hamze, has anyone thought to actually deal with the implications of the question?

    Here are merely some of the circa 109 Qur’anic / Koranic verses calling Muslims to war with unbelievers / infidels / non-Muslims:
    2:191-193, 2:244, 2:216, 3:56, 3:151, 4:74, 4:76, 4:89, 4:95, 4:104, 5:33, 8:12, 8:15, 8:39, 8:57, 8:59-60, 9:5, 9:14, 9:20, 9:29, 9:30, 9:38-39, 9:41, 9:73, 9:88, 9:111, 9:123, 21:44, 25:52, 47:4, 47:35, 48:17, 48:29, 61:4, 61:10-12, 66:9.
    Also, consider the Hadith (Islam’s sacred traditions):
    Bukhari; 8:387, 52:177, 52:256, 52:220
    Abu Dawud; 14:2526, 14:2527
    Muslim; 1:33, 1:149, 20:4645, 20:4696, 19:4321-4323
    Tabari; 7:97, 9:69
    Ibn Ishaq; 327, 990, 992

    And keep in mind that due to the “doctrine of abrogation,” Muslims are to follow the latter revelation and not the previous. The previous, Medina period, was given when Muhammad did not have many followers nor wealth and thus preached peace. The latter, the Mecca period, was given when Muhammad had many followers and wealth and preached conflict.

    For details see:

  5. And so tell me please, Mariano, how do we deal with Islam as is practiced — not as is written or even advocated, but as actually practiced and committed in its name?

    How can one not conclude that Islam is as Islam does?


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