Michael Bloomberg, the former three-term mayor of New York City, is considering a run for president as an Independent.
Mr Bloomberg has a net worth of $41 billion dollars, making him the seventh richest person in the US, and the 13th richest person on the planet.
Yes, more than Donald Trump, whom Forbes said is worth $4 billion dollars. Trump values himself at $8.7 billion dollars. Shock.
Ask yourself this question: if Bloomberg — a NY socialite and Big Bucks kinda guy with Leftist social views — runs as an Independent, whom do you think would be affected most?
Answer: the Demorats. Like Perot did to GHW Bush and the GOP, Bloomberg would do to the Left.
Bring Bloomberg on.
A Jewish guy wanting to be POTUS and take your guns. Guess the lessons of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust sort of went over his head. Trump will have a field day with this guy if he runs.
Oh I WANT him to run. I SO want him to run.
“A Jewish guy”?
Was that really necessary? I only goes to show how stupid YOU are.
Cast thy scowling gaze inwards, Anita, since — please correct me if I’m wrong — it WAS firearms that liberated the Jews from concentration camps in WWII, finished the Nazis, and allowed Israel to become a nation state in 1948.
Like I said, I could be wrong. But it seems that firearms have a history of keeping Jews and Israel safe.
That would be hilarious! The left would go bat nuts(er)…
He’ll draw from Dems, but…
He’ll also draw some of those lefties now looking at Trump.
I too hope he runs. Let all the folks who don’t give a DAMN about the Constitution have a rich/wonderful candidate for whom they can pull a lever!
Run, Michael, run.
Downside. All that money flying around will keep the Main Stream Maggots in the chips for another decade.
Hi BZ,.I don’t think Bloomy will run but you may be right about who he siphons votes away from. I shudder at the thought of him gaining the office through voter fraud though. Seems that it got a few undesirables into office in ’08 & ’12.