We didn’t create this country behind “moderates.” We created this country behind people who veritably placed their very intimate lives on the line and took a stance for Conservatism and freedom. Those persons who believed in minimal government, independence, self-determination, religious freedom, unfettered thought and speech, and the ability to defend same. (Leftists run this way: 1. What isn’t prohibited, 2. Will be mandated.)
And we won’t save this country behind moderation. Moderation to me is the equivalent to defeatism, to capitulation, at this stage in our history. Time and again Liberalism has yielded the downfall of our cities and, by dint of that, the expansion of government in order to backstop failed Leftist policies. For Leftists, it’s a win-win.
For people who may desire to stand on their own two feet, it’s lose-lose.
With one major exception:
The US Government, over many generations now, has taught people how not to stand on their own two feet. The US Government has taught people to become dependent on it, which in turn mandates larger and larger government, more spending, higher taxes.
Moderation is the ability of the GOP to look the Demorats right in the eye, squint, and say “yes, you’re correct; looks like I’ll have to come over to your way of thinking.”
Moderation is for losers.
Just look at the GOP.
BZ, perhaps one day someone will ask these questions “explain freedom in moderation and, who gets to be the moderator?” How does anybody rise to the position of moderator?”
Excellent question, just ask Leftists, who believe “freedom” should be parsed out in little bits and dits, but not too much — and always to be repossessed when politically necessary.
Barry Goldwater: ” Moderation in the defense of liberty is no virtue, extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.”
Here, here. We can’t be extreme enough with defense of liberty and personal freedom.
+1 on Michael! That is exactly right!
How about another great quote from another great person…
Miyagi (“The Karate Kid”): “Walk on road, hm? Walk left side, safe. Walk right side, safe. Walk middle, sooner or later get squish, just like grape…”
The ONLY resolute thing I have seen the weepy Boehner do is to invite Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress. While I was so pleasantly STUNNED and pleased by this sudden display of having a backbone, somehow I will not be surprised if he pulls a “November 2012 Governor Christie” stunt and once again wimps out and changes sides at the last minute, giving in to the president and canceling Netanyahu’s visit.
As for “We the People”?….SQUISH….just like grape.
Nice analogy.