My Old Hands

I can remember, many years ago, thinking that I should take on a project when I was in my late teens.

I can remember thinking: wouldn’t it be interesting to take a photograph of my face on my birthday on each successive year. I forgot about that thought, shunted it aside. I wish I’d taken myself up on that offer. I could have documented something that is, heretofore, undocumented.

Have you ever wanted to do something, like that, whilst you were young?

And then realized: it’s too late?

I looked at my hands the other day.

They are, plain and simply: old. Wrinkled, puffy and unappealing.

I can recall, in the early 90s, Rick Taylor saying this to me: hold your hand loose, then pinch the back of your hand. If it’s unaffected, you’re young. If it takes a few seconds to recede, then you’re old.

I am way old now. It takes damned near a month for my skin to recede when pinched.

However, I should care to point out that I am not sufficiently old to forget how to grip my Sig-Sauer P220 .45 cal handgun with its requisite Euro release and, as the photo indicates, a few extra magazines.

Just a reminder. To my government.

I’m old.

But not quite dead yet.


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10 thoughts on “My Old Hands

  1. Jenn: I wish I had carried out that project. It would have been fascinating.

    TF: a kid and his .45 are ne’er parted, my friend. This is the Old Feller that saw me safely through Patrol.

    NFO: and, NOT willing to concede.

    Cary, your comment is “like” enough!


  2. Hydration is the answer to that skin test you are talking about. Lotion at least daily and drink plenty of fluid. You can purchase from the pharmacy, behind the counter, Lach-hydrin. We use it in long term care and it really does the job. You are still young enough to get that younger looking hand. Happy hands! I love getting older, I can’t wait to be 60. Four more years. My fifties have been the best years of my adult life. I know that 60 something will bring more life.

  3. Lots of fluid and lotion at least daily. You can purchase from the pharmacy, Lac-hydrin. We use it to toughen up the skin of the elderly population in long term care. You are not too young to get younger looking hands. It is a sign of dehydration when your skin doesn’t bounce back into place quickly. Are you drinking your non-alcoholic beverages? Alcohol dehydrates, as well as some coffees and teas. BZ, thanks for sharing your hands with us.

  4. That prior post that I wrote…Please don’t think that I believe we should stand by and do nothing. The Lord uses His people to do His work. If you read the word, you will find how God made situations happen to get the attention of His people. Maybe, just maybe this is happening to wake up America! The towers got our attention, for a short while. We all need to be aware and ask “what is my part and how can I help?”

  5. Regarding my prior comment: Please don’t think that I believe we should stand by and do nothing. The Lord uses His people to do His work. If you read the word, you will find how God made situations happen to get the attention of His people. Maybe, just maybe this is happening to wake up America and not just America. The towers got our attention, for a short while. We all need to be aware and ask “what is my part and how can I help?”

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