8 thoughts on “No Seat Belts

  1. Well it’s obvious why that flipped over BZ…It’s a TOYOTA! the pedal stuck the steering wheel locked and the government sued…This can only help Government Motors sell more cars…

    Dayum that one guy got jacked UP!

  2. Comments,,,,how about stupid blacks in Haiti for starters.
    The front wheels were almost off the road due to the passenger weight in the pick-up bed. Probably could of gotten away with it if the speed was kept below 20 mph.
    BUT NOooooo,, gotta get that speed up to give’em all a ride!

  3. Bush: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!! Ruuuun!! TOYOOOOOOOOTA!!

    VW: no, but there was a vicarious sizzle, wasn’t there?

    MrC: I just wonder why that person was videotaping in the first place. There wasn’t much, that I could see, to video initially; perhaps some people building something to the right. How did he know THAT pickup truck was coming?

    Christopher: man, I must be behind the power curve. That was the first I’d seen of it. It was interesting to me because of the weight transfer aspect due to my very recent EVOC past.


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