NYC Stuck In Snow? That Was A Union Protest

From the NYPost:

Selfish Sanitation Department bosses from the snow-slammed outer boroughs ordered their drivers to snarl the blizzard cleanup to protest budget cuts — a disastrous move that turned streets into a minefield for emergency-services vehicles, The Post has learned.

Right or wrong, I believe you’re going to see a lot more of this in the future.
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11 thoughts on “NYC Stuck In Snow? That Was A Union Protest

  1. I’m hopeful some enterprising lawyer will take the case of that pregnant Mom who lost her baby in the lobby of her apartment complex waiting on an ambulance to arrive. The baby died. Union leadership is responsible…
    Try it before a jury.

  2. Unions are not much different in the way they operate than our country.The members must keep the bosses honest, just as the voters must keep the politicians honest.

    I like Greybeard’s suggestion.

  3. And it only gets worse. Fire Dept, PD and Teachers… Start making cuts to those unions and watch the fireworks…

    Blew a deacon is funny…In a; I’d like to meet him one day and force feed him his own ass kind of way…

  4. Funny thing is, as a member of a LE association, I never took part in a strike or slowdown; I was the guy on the opposite side who came in to work the streets when it was me and the other managers and supervisors.



    Public Unions need to wake up and smell the outrage… The absolutely rediculous collective bargaining that transpired years ago is unsustainable… If they are unwilling to sacrifice as every other American has and continues to do, then they need to be abolished under bankruptcy hearings the municiplalities are facing…

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