12 thoughts on “Obama Visits Turkey And:

  1. Yes, but the left won’t admit it.

    The left has a problem because they don’t believe evil really exists so they hold hands with dictators like Castro and CHavez. Bin Laden isn’t too far behind.

    There are evil people out there who are hell bent on our destruction. They have no hope of redemption as they haven’t shown any remorse, rather hatred toward capitalism and our ‘free’ way of life given to us by GOD-the person THEY don’t believe in.

    I don’t think the left in America was over there in Cuba trying to be a ‘light’ in darkness, but rather to hold hands with evil.

  2. Ain’t no damn way! That picture had to be take before his speech in Turkey. Everybody knows that you get an endorphin rush when you hear Barry talk. They’d be kissin’ that picture, not stomping on it!

    TexasFred: that’s funny!

  3. I ran a joke post of bucking ofama “morphing” into Osama Bin Laden a while ago. Since the asshole in charge visited Turkey, I have had over 30 hits from Turkish sites googling “is obama really osama?” Kinda funny I thought.

    If you Muzzies don’t like him, I guess we will NEVER have a President they can warm up to. Oh, well, I for one, don’t give a shit if the muzzies like us or not.

  4. Ah, yeah nice staged photo. Totally contrary to what the response to mim actually was.

    And yes, Bush screwed us up big time.

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