
My wife’s mother passed away this morning at 3:15. My wife said she had been having a dream specifically about her mother, when her cell phone rang. It was her brother with the news.
We dressed in the dark and drove to the hospice care. It was a blessing. She no longer had to struggle so horribly for air. Just as my mother had when she passed in 2002 from COPD, there were cannula marks on Lucy’s face from the mask.
We spoke to my wife’s brother, who has a 2-year-old girl. He said his daughter, at the foot of the mother’s bed the prior night, looked up at the ceiling and said “bye bye.”
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14 thoughts on “Passing

  1. BZ, our hearts are sad and our prayers are with you, the wife and ALL the family, your MIL is already in a better place…

    All the best buddy, and we’re here for you if we can do ANYTHING…

  2. We spoke to my wife’s brother, who has a 2-year-old girl. He said his daughter, at the foot of the mother’s bed the prior night, looked up at the ceiling and said “bye bye.”
    And THAT was the time her spirit had left this world, kids feel stuff like that I think…

    The night my mother left us me, my wife and sister were in the room and suddenly we ALL had the hair on our necks stand up and I knew, Mom was gone, her spirit was gone, and within a few seconds the phone rang and it was my BIL, he asked, “Is everything OK there?? I just had a really strange feeling that Mom walked thru the house…”

    I am a strong believer in the paranormal, and spiritual moving, and I think the little girl had a ‘moment’ there…

  3. May God grant your wife, and all the family, peace and comfort in the days ahead. I’m only glad that your mother-in-law’s suffering was not prolonged any further.

    Children are very sensitive to the spiritual, and it was right and good that she was allowed to be there and know that death, though painful for survivors, is a natural part of life.

    We’re all praying for you, BZ. I just wish that there were some words to help ease the pain.

    Veritas et Fidelis Semper

  4. My prayers are with you and your family too, BZ.

    I know the child saw her grandmother’s spirit. I was seven when my mother passed away in a hospital and I knew it before anyone told me. I told people about it but they didn’t believe me, until they got the word of her passing. Kids do know.


  5. sorry for your loss BZ. Your wife may dream of her later on like I do with my Grandparents who are now gone. They stop by in my dreams every now and then to visit and say hi. It’s a comforting feeling. My thoughts are with you and yours.

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