Ruth Bader-Ginsburg needs to be removed from the United States Supreme Court immediately.

She isn’t fit for another moment’s worth of court time. This has nothing to do with her health.

I frankly don’t understand all the brouhaha lately from Congress and even from some of my colleagues about referring to foreign law.”

She cannot understand this? There is no more exacting a statement necessary to prove that she is not a friend of the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I call for her removal from SCOTUS, forthwith.

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13 thoughts on “REMOVED

  1. Only one drawback to removing her BZ…

    Suppose The Obamessiah nominates an even BIGGER moonbat?? And he damn well could.. And he damn well could get em through nominations and approval with the travesty of a Congress and Senate we have…

    I agree, the old bat needs to go, so do 3 or 4 of her contemporaries, but what will the replacements bring upon us??

  2. If you can’t hold to the US Constitution as this Leftist Clinton moonbat can’t, there isn’t much MORE you can do than PUBLICLY denounce your intention to purposely disregard the CORE DOCUMENT upon which ALL her decisions are to be based.


  3. Sadly, we can expect more of the same in Obama’s upcoming appointments and probably worse–if that can be possible. I wonder if the “One” will try court-packing like FDR did. That would be the next step. But then even FDR couldn’t fire Ford from his position at Ford Motors, so Obama has one-upped him on that already. Afraid we are in for a rough ride.

  4. BZ, I am firmly convinced that the denunciation you speak of is next. Along with an out right destruction OF the constitution…

    Torches and Pitchforks?? Indeed…

  5. She is senile.

    That said some deep Tranzi would replace her… at least senility offers moments of being cajoled into doing the right thing. Still, it wouldn’t change the position of that vote by much, but don’t think that anyone competent and who likes the Constitution would get nominated. That isn’t going to happen.

  6. She’s just another stupid leftard bitch. What is sad is that her ranting about putting any credence to non-American courts didn’t even surprise me. I own 3 pitch forks, but I also own something even better!

  7. BZ,
    Ginsberg, Souter, Breyer, and Douglas, oops I mean Stevens all need to go. The problem? What BO replaces them with will be infinitely worse. We won’t even recognize the constitution when they’re done with it. Where has our country gone?

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