Shark attack!

Being a blogger, I receive many e-mails from friends and acquaintances all over the globe.  I consider it, frankly, a large plus.

Some of this traffic results in any number of posts I may make.

This is one of those posts, suggested from an e-mail.  From Hugh:

Yesterday there was a shark attack on a surfer at Kiholo Bay which is on the Kohala Coast of the island of Hawaii. The shark was estimated to be a 15’-16’ tiger shark and the attack occurred in about 8’ of water. The pictures provided are taken from a shark tagging several years ago by the Univ. of Hawaii and the tagging was done at THE EXACT SPOT of the attack. Please note that the half tiger was cut in half in just one bite. The victim was air lifted to Oahu where he is expected to recover.

On a personal note, some of you know that I used to participate in the kayak (surfski) races here and that I trained only about 12 miles down the coast from this spot. I almost always went out alone and I had several encounters with big tigers, one of which was at least 15’ long. I stopped going out because shortly after my last encounter a one man canoe was attacked at the mouth of the harbor at which I launched and returned.

The photos:

Shark Attack 1Shark Attack 2

Shark Attack 3Not politics, but incredibly engaging nevertheless.




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5 thoughts on “Shark attack!

  1. That’s one of the reasons I prefer my pool instead of swimming at the beaches here in Florida.

    The others, I got nailed by a jelly fish once….that hurts!! Got stabbed by a small ray. The ray was the clincher for me!

    Florida has the distinction of being the shark bite capitol of the world. I would imagine that’s because of all the tasty tourists.

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