No it is not succulent. It is a shame that the US is so split.
I have said before and will say again, there are going to be a lot of disappointed people:
Despite what WE said when campaigning:
– bits of Obamacare are okay
– appointing a special prosecutor to go after Clinton is not a priority
– perhaps climate change is not something China invented
– having listened to someone who might know better perhaps torture is not a good thing
Etc etc….her is going to rollover on more things. Don’t hold your breath for that wall!
Mean little low life that I am, I am so enjoying the anguish of the postmenopausal born again virgins with their self proclaimed moral and intellectual superiority.
I have never been a Trump supporter, I’ve been an, “Anyone but Hillary” supporter. This election made me happy and I have a feeling of confidence missing the past eight years.
Hoist on their own special snowflake petard!
It is succulent, though, is it not?
No it is not succulent. It is a shame that the US is so split.
I have said before and will say again, there are going to be a lot of disappointed people:
Despite what WE said when campaigning:
– bits of Obamacare are okay
– appointing a special prosecutor to go after Clinton is not a priority
– perhaps climate change is not something China invented
– having listened to someone who might know better perhaps torture is not a good thing
Etc etc….her is going to rollover on more things. Don’t hold your breath for that wall!
Mean little low life that I am, I am so enjoying the anguish of the postmenopausal born again virgins with their self proclaimed moral and intellectual superiority.
I have never been a Trump supporter, I’ve been an, “Anyone but Hillary” supporter. This election made me happy and I have a feeling of confidence missing the past eight years.