I’m sure that works for any and all manner of things proscribed by Leftists.
- In the case of gun violence: “You sir, put down that gun.”
- In the case of rape: “You sir, put down that penis.”
- In the case of war: “You sir, put down that aggression; stop first and think.”
Of course. That should work every time.
I’m resolutely sorry she was raped. But you have to learn from the tragedies in your life and I fear she has learned absolutely nothing.
How do people like this manage to even walk down the street without someone to tell them sotto voce, “left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot”?
In their utopia, they are ALWAYS obeyed… sigh
Probably works as well as peeing on yourself to *break the mood*…
Be a damned shame if you had *shy bladder*…
Reminds me of this blonde joke:
A blonde wearing portable headphones walks into a hair salon.
The hair stylist tells her, “I need you to take off the headphones, doll”
The blonde responds, “No. If I take them off I’ll die”
The hair stylist tells her, “Well I can’t cut your hair unless you take off the headphones”
The blonde again says, “NO! I will not take off the headphones because I will die! Your gonna have to cut my hair with my headphones on the head!”
Pissed off, the hair stylist yanks off the headphones from her head.
After 2 minutes the blonde drops dead.
The hairstylist, who was scared and confused, picks up the headphones and listens to the tape recording.
What he heard was a voice repeating this phrase;
“Breath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out.”