Tinfoil Hat Squad — Or, Is This Actually Correct?

The Internal Revenue Service has lost a lawyer’s challenge in front of a jury to prove a constitutional foundation for the nation’s income tax, and the victorious attorney now is setting his sights higher.

“I think now people are beginning to realize that this has got to be the largest fraud, backed up by intimidation and extortion and by the sheer force of taking peoples property and hard-earned money without any lawful authorization whatsoever,” lawyer Tom Cryer told WND just days after a jury in Louisiana acquitted him of two criminal tax counts.

This isn’t a misprint. An attorney actually won this case — in a federal venue. Please read the complete link and make your own decision.

The two sentences that caught my attention:

1. Spokesman Robert Marvin in Washington’s IRS office told WND the Internal Revenue Code provides for taxation on salaries or wages, but when pressed for a specific citation, or constitutional provision, he said, “I can’t comment.”

— and —

2. He said throughout his battle, he’s offered at every turn to pay taxes if the IRS could show him the authorization, and that never has happened.

My first thought: this can’t possibly be true.

My second thought: if true, this opens a completely new dynamic paradym.

My third thought: if only, if only. . .
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6 thoughts on “Tinfoil Hat Squad — Or, Is This Actually Correct?

  1. On its face, it appears true; I find it rather amazing that the federal government, however, would not be throwing everything it possibly can at this development because, if it holds, it bodes an AMAZING development for the feds and possibly a revamping of government on every level.

    Or does it?


  2. This looks like it was a decision in a civil court not an IRS court where they have their own version of the truth and self-incrimination. Much like the DMV they ignore any other judges rulings for their own.

  3. WMD: you are correct; those are two entirely different courts. However, the court hearing the case quoted was an overarching federal venue. Luckily, the IRS court is sublimal to a district court.

    Which is not to say that there could be numerous appeals up to the appropriate circuit court of appeal.


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