7 thoughts on “Truism

  1. I love the sign that reads, “Young pinkies from Columbia and Harvard.”
    Nothing has changed. The targeted thinking has established roots which run deep into our culture.

    Never mind Round Up, it’s time for some “rainbow herbicide” baby.

    Ya dig?

  2. Signs: yes, in some ways little has changed. And yeah, I do “dig.”

    Leticia: “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” -George Santayana

    WSF: just a RCH, eh?

    NFO: great minds think alike, eh wot?


  3. Looking at old Chicago, one should be aware of its prominence for fascism, which, I maintain, comes only from the left.

    “The Hoaxters” is an excellent documentary on this matter and should be seen at all costs.

    For WSF I wanted to add this article which casts light on the tribune of old.


    Through this we indeed see history repeated with the Pentagon Papers and now Wiki Leaks.

    SOS DD I’m afraid.

    A fair review and commentary on the film can be found here.


    If you have any kind of film library whatsoever I think this will fit your shelf.

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